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Employee Happiness

The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) embraces happiness and positivity within its institutional values and seeks to achieve the highest levels of employee’s satisfaction for its impressive impact on their performance, creates a positive work environment, promotes institutional loyalty, deepens awareness and commitment to advancing the ICA’s objectives and strategy and implementing its initiatives and projects at the operational level.
The ICA is concerned with achieving the happiness of its employees by identifying and responding to their needs and expectations in the first place and working on fulfilling them. Leaders are keen on field visits to the ICA’s various departments across UAE to listen to the employees’ opinions and proposals and to honor them, in addition to the various communication channels available to present their ideas and aspirations. Moreover, ICA planned for getting all employees engaged in the improvement and development process and has been launched brainstorming initiatives in developing its strategy and foresight the future of services together with its staff, which contribute to promoting the values of loyalty and belonging and creating an inspiring and incentive work environment.
The ICA is keen to empower its employees with scientific, academic, and professional knowledge and to encourage their continuous learning through the Emirates Academy of Identity and Citizenship. The Academy provides outstanding academic and training programs to enrich their knowledge, develop their skills, and thereafter graduate highly qualified and distinguished leaders. Whereas the ICA assesses the annual scientific and training requirements of each employee and inserts them in a methodological plan to be implemented in accordance with global best practices and modern application methods. It also encourages staff to participate in creativity and innovation conferences, exhibitions, competitions, and emerging techniques to support the creative thinking and encourages the innovation practices; leading ICA to become a home of expertise that attracts national competencies and outstanding talents for creating the future leaders.
on the humanitarian and social level, the ICA and its leaders undertake to carrying on spreading happiness and the one team spirit, with the participation of its members in all religious, national, and global events through initiatives of honor and appreciation to the distinguished staff members, for example, on National Day and International Women’s Day, visiting the mothers of martyrs and interacting with them on social media platforms.
The ICA has made a qualitative breakthrough in enhancing its employees’ working environment and the quality of their lives, which has contributed to creating a sense of harmony, satisfaction, and pride, heading to reach ICA outstanding, sustainable performance, and pioneering competitive standard.

Customers happiness

The happiness is the federal authority of identity and citizens ship priority ,they applied many international practices ,developed and innovated services and launched many initiatives in the field of  costumers  happiness services The authority has been keeping on making their costumers happy ,communicating with them,  seeking to know their aspirations and exploring their expectations ,adopting creative and positive idea , and making them the main thing that it based to their happiness and improving their quality of life.

Within the hard work for the federal authority for identity and citizenship towards their costumers Happinees ,they provided an application can be downloaded or installed on any kind of smartphones ( ICA UAE) ,the previous mentioned application provides a group of services for identity , citizenship and residency . This application can make any costumer asks for what they need , it provides a good environment to the costumer so he can asks for whatever he needs by using and creating an account without visiting the working centers , just install it or visit  the website that contains extra and general information about what costumers need

The authority works to support the government work system in cooperation with its strategic partners to enhance integration between government agencies to provide proactive services characterized by efficiency, flexibility, speed and ease, by activating the (Osraty) platform and a number of individual services, which include 12 joint proactive services between government agencies to facilitate transactions related to life A citizen family to complete their transactions easily.

The authority has also launched individual proactive services that include renewing the identity card of the country’s citizens, renewing the passport and extending the visa for holders of expired visas, which contributes to enhancing the awareness of customers and their knowledge of services, and this is an embodiment of the wise leadership’s directions by consolidating the concept of proactive government action and developing its mechanisms to reach the best results The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship is among the leading government agencies in designing happiness strategies and creating government services to make its customers happy from all segments of society, as the Authority provides its services through social media platforms through short videos, and constantly encourages its customers to use it and interacts with them by responding to their inquiries and surveying their opinions.

And their suggestions. Social media channels provide all the information and data that customers need to complete their transactions, so that the customer can learn about the services of the authority, follow its steps, respond to all inquiries related to the authority, and obtain addresses of customer service offices at the state level, which aim to please its customers and enhance communication with them.

The completion of the authority has contributed to the implementation of its strategy for digital and smart transformation, and its application of technology-based innovation practices,a nd its modern technological infrastructure in expanding the happiness experience of customers, and their understanding and awareness of their needs and expectations in a better and more profound way. The authority has achieved great success and results with this forward-looking vision in dealing with the repercussions of the emerging Covid-19, as it has been providing services to its customers smoothly and in a high response that has not been affected by the confusion that the pandemic has produced for many institutions around the world.

The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship has achieved a qualitative leap in customer happiness, and has reached an institutional maturity in managing its customers’ happiness, making it an example to be emulated as an entity adopting innovation of best practices to establish happiness as a national culture that elevates the aspirations and aspirations of the wise leadership, and as an institutional method for future governments.

Positive Spirit: A pillar for nations’ building and development


When Germany surrendered to the Allies in 1945, it was a wreckage of a country with a frustrated people, having lost more than 10 million militants and civilians. The war left Germany with 5 million detainees in Siberia and Europe, demolished cities and destroyed infrastructure. The Allies forces carried Germany’s factories, machineries and scientists with them while leaving the country.

At that time, women became the majority of the population in Germany with a rate of 82% aged between 18-40 years, and suicide increased to unprecedented rates.

However, in three months after the Allies left Germany, women started calling for re-building the country under the theme “Rise from the Rubble” with absolute absence of the then government. Women and elderly people started clearing the rubble to rebuild houses and gathering documents and books to rebuild schools.

Women wrote slogans on the ruined walls to stimulate hope and encourage work, such as: ‘Don’t wait for your right’, ‘Do whatever you can’ and ‘Cultivate Hope Before Wheat’.

Thereafter, between 1945 and 1955, houses, roads and schools were reconstructed, and from 1955 to 1965, factories were rebuilt, and 4 million workers were recruited from Turkey and Eastern Germany. By then, slogans on the walls were changed to read: ‘Seriousness and Hope’.

The period between 1965 to 1975 witnessed the emergence of patriotic businessmen who ensured that each of them trained 50 young people. Thereafter, Germany turned out to be a super economic power.

With the growth of its economic strength, Berlin Wall collapsed elevating Germany’s economy to become the strongest in Europe. Demolished walls were the only means to inspire hope and create an enormous positive spirit which enabled a frustrated and destroyed nation to make a global economic miracle after being a destroyed country that even lacked electricity to power on a radio, and whose people couldn’t afford buying newspapers.

The above introduction was called up by the words of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, when he addressed local and international media representatives upon Dubai’s winning of the bid to host Expo 2020. In his speech, His Highness expressed hope for Arab nations to overcome challenges in the way of their sought out development.

His Highness underlined the importance of determination, resilience and positive energy in overcoming obstacles, saying: “We hope that peace will prevail all our Arab countries. We tell them that determination, will and positive spirit are important factors for the targeted positive development.. Rivers naturally surpass obstacles on their watercourses and change their course to continue flowing. We wish all the happiness and prosperity for everyone”.

Progress, prosperity, successful policies and management of nations are basically dependant on the public who should be addressed with the language of hope and positive spirit. Positive spirit is based on credibility which is the right channel to respond and interact with the public who is supposed to lead the development process with faith and strong belief in objectives so as to make miracles. Human history is certainly full of examples proving that positive spirit and effective energy can build nations and institutions. With positive spirit a nation can overcome the barrier of time and surpass other nations.

A quick overview, even from a political perspective, shows that a happy human being, no matter if poor, is the one who can be relied upon to build a nation. And since nothing is good or ill but by comparison, we must mention, here, the opposite fact. A sad human being destroys all his surroundings and pass on misery and negative energy to others, thus subvert and demolish the community. A miserable human being unknowingly becomes a negative element that drives the wheel backwards, even in case of being rich and not lacking any cause of living . Herein lies the essence of the subject and the key to success.

Positive spirit that inspires love and determination is a key to success, progress and happiness. By means of positive energy, obstacles can be overcome, cooperation and contentment will prevail. It is a treasure Allah blessed his people with, and those who lack it shall fight for it. Here, in the UAE, we do possess this treasure thanks to our deep belief, prudent leadership and ambitious country which was unified by fate, history and wisdom of our great founding fathers led by late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan.

We started with certainty, hope and positive energy that spread throughout our nation and became part of the people living in this country. Whoever lives on this giving land have a deep belief that such an unprecedented progress, welfare and advancement witnessed by the country has become the focus of the whole world. The world, now, believes in the ability of this nation to convey messages of love, peace, prosperity, science and education to all countries and nations. Our unique experiment has become a reference in science, management and knowledge and an example for others to follow and benefit from.

On the other hand, a dissatisfied person brings a big harm to himself and to those around him. Discontentment impacts one’s health and social environment leading to desperation, which is like a communicable disease; once spread, it deteriorates the lives of people who will consequently be busy blaming each others. Fortunately, the UAE is protected against this plague and Emirati people need to maintain the positive energy they possess and get rid of all the negative emissions.

In this context, it necessary to remember that organizations are like nations or any human groups; once misery and disagreement prevails among its members, all their efforts and energy will not be directed to success, progress, good planning and efficient performance, but will rather be focused on politics, complaints, wasting energy and thus impede their progress and development.

Leaderships are the pillars for their organizations and the hearts for their nations. People are naturally distributed into workplaces, and we, Emiratis, love work. Unemployment rate in the UAE is almost zero; not to mention job opportunities offered by the UAE to expatriates living on its lands. That said, we must underline the importance of organizations’ leaderships as their primary responsibility lies in positive interaction and emission of positive energy among employees, directors and work teams.

In his brief speech, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has given us a priceless advice. It is not just a speech that we joyfully listen to and forget in a while. It is an integrated action plan which needs a precise scientific analysis to figure out how to adjust the spiritual status and positive energy among employees and in the field of service delivery. It is not an easy task for a leader to get adapted to smiling, drawing thereby the smile on the faces of employees and customers. It needs persistent efforts to build a culture and enormous energy to emit positive spirit in the surrounding environment, as well as love, respect and positive attitude. These should lead to accomplishment, innovation and satisfaction.

To enable this positive attitude, institutional leaders should be characterized by tolerance and should lay the foundations of administrative governance and justice whose main pillar is ‘rewarding achievers and depriving the fruitless’. Although this principle seems to be somewhat rigorous, however, on long term, it helps promote responsibility, protect positive employees from reclusion and keep them energetic. Being just, requires giving employees what they deserve, which is something that can be achieved only through a fair assessment of their achievements, work conditions, authorities and knowledge available for them to accomplish their tasks.

It is also noteworthy that teamwork is a vital means that help unleash best capability of employees, and human beings in general. By nature, human beings tend to socialize; they speak, think and have feelings and emotions that make them interact in different ways with their surrounding environment including work mates.

Hence, an organizational leader needs to ensure maintaining positive atmosphere to work teams and carefully select their leaderships and members. Then, comes empowerment and training employees on how to achieve goals through teamwork techniques and appropriate ways to deal with people.

A proficient leader is the one who can make the best out of his/her team in all conditions in order to overcome obstacles, conflicts and all sources of negative energy that may exist in the team itself and which can destroy its intended mission to achieve organizational strategic and operational goals.

In this context, it is necessary to underline the serious impact that may result from the failure of the teamwork. It is the core responsibility of the higher leadership of any organization to ensure appropriate selection of team leaders, setting out the team’s objectives and provide the environment and resources that help the team to achieve the set out goals.

In all these equations, human resources are the most vital elements. They get attracted to, sympathize or contradict with each other leading a number of outcomes. It is the human being who generates either positive or negative energy.

Human resources scientists highlighted the importance of considering this fact while forming and organizing teams. This necessitates maintaining work norms, respect and cordiality between employees, fighting against rumors and Machiavellian attitudes, thus enabling a governance environment based on respect, responsiveness and cooperation among all members.

An organizational leader should not place contradictory and trouble making employees together or within the same teams, and should always assign them roles and responsibilities that suit their capabilities, enhance their knowledge and ensure financial benefits for them. Leaderships should also strive to maintain positive spirit as a driving power towards achieving progress and prosperity to both employees and the community.

Satisfaction is the key to positive energy, and in this context, it is best to conclude by commemorating words of our great Prophet Mohammed, Peace be Upon him, when he said: “How wonderful is the situation of the believer, for all his affairs are good. If something good happens to him, he shows gratitude for it and that is good for him; if something bad happens to him, he bears it with patience, and that is good for him.”. These words urge us to be optimistic, never be depressed and always expect a bright future.


Family Book … From the Paper-based copy to the Electronic version

The majority of the governmental authorities in the United Arab Emirates are requested to transact using the electronic Family Book; which includes details of family members of UAE nationals. The Federal Authority for Identity & Citizenship “ICA” generated an innovative solution by introducing a smart electronic platform, where the governmental entities are coherently linked with each other so that all details pertaining to the family book could be automatically and smoothly extracted; as this friendly-user platform helps in reducing the risk of fraud and faults in data entry.
It is worth mentioning that all services related to Family Book are basically fully digitalized and automated. Meanwhile these innovative services could be easily provided via both mobile devices’ applications and ICA website. Users can easily review and amend their personal information and to apply for availing the services remotely at any time without the need to visit customers service centers to submit their applications.
This top-notch solution assisted significantly in facilitating exchange of data related to the family book between the UAE governmental entities and the UAE nationals in an electronic and integrated way without the need for any paperwork registration processes. This smart service actively contributed to reducing the customers visit to the minimal and thus avoids queuing for a long-awaiting time to avail the service. Furthermore, this proactive initiative sustains ensuring that the highest levels of data security, confidentiality and reliability are maintained by using the UAE Identity Card as well as this step allowed to store family book data and details on “SIM Cards”.
Approving the electronic Family Book, which officially came into effect under the Cabinet resolution issued on 01st July, 2019, ICA marked a significant and tremendous achievement towards developing the electronic and smart governmental services by employing the cutting-edge technology in the governmental transactions. This leading step facilitated the procedures for UAE nationals by shortening, saving their time and effort consumed in completing the transactions to the minimal steps in line with the governmental approach to provide fully-fledged services remotely and in a timely and cost-effective manner with minimal visits to customer service centers by decreasing the visitors up to 80% by 2021.

Digital transformation strategy … a strategic choice.


Based on the ambitious vision of our wise leadership to build a digital future in the country, and to devote leadership in the innovation and artificial intelligence field. The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship has launched a digital transformation strategy that is based on 5 main strategic objectives:

  • Improving the competitiveness of the authority in the digital transformation field.
  • Integrated digitization of processes and services.
  • Promoting digital innovation with new technologies.
  • Enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of digital processes and services.
  • Integrated digital culture.

The digital transformation strategy applied in the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship has become a new method in dealing with individuals and institutions to achieve the trend that elevates the information society and spread the culture of digital dealing in all services. The era of digital information that we live today requires us to deal with it and adapt to its requirements.

From this standpoint the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship realized the importance of digital transformation in providing its services, starting from automating its services by 100% and reducing the percentage of costumers in service centers to 80% by 2021. Furthermore developing the electronic platforms and its smart application through entering and registering with an identity and digital UAE PASS, in addition to developing the infrastructure in order to empower and give all customers the opportunity of access to informations and carrying out all transactions on the digital network and smart channels.

Launching a digital transformation strategy in the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship will enhance the confidence in the digital transformation process, which aim helping customers to overcome the challenges and benefit from digital technologies, which will allow them to prepare strategically for the future.

And because investment in human capital is the locomotive of development, the launch of the digital transformation strategy and the approval of the Board of Directors on its foundations and objectives, we have announced an explicit digital charter to support digital culture and institutional digital innovation in the authority among employees, which will enhance their ambitions, refine and develop their digital competencies and retain them to lead change as they are Active ingredient during the transformation period.

To build a true digital culture, we will work with all partners to spread digital awareness and build a digital culture among all members of society in line with the directions of our beloved country.



Mom is an inexhaustible spring of tenderness

Mother’s Day was celebrated by many countries of the world a few days ago in recognition of the mother, who is the icon of purity and the symbol of extreme love and tenderness. On that day and while the world is busy with making courtesy statements, I recall the saying of our Prophet (PBUH), which does not leave any room for anyone to express the right of mothers over their children in a more eloquent manner, when a man asked him: “O Prophet of Allah! Who is the most deserving and worthy of my good company?” The answer, which no philosopher or intellectual could ever add to it or express it more clearly, came when the Prophet said: “Your mother.” The man asked: “Who comes next after her?” the Prophet said: “Your mother.” The man asked again: “Who comes next after her?” The Prophet said: “Your mother.” The man asked again: “Who comes next after her?” The Prophet said: “Your father.”

Mothers were honored by Allah in more than one location in the Holy Quran: “And We have enjoined on man to be dutiful and kind to his parents. His mother bears him with hardship and she brings him forth with hardship” (Surah Al Ahqaf, Verse 15) and “His mother bore him in weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship” (Surah Luqman, Verse 14). They were also honored by our Prophet (PBUH) when he said: “Paradise is under the feet of mothers.”

In this context, I quote one of the most beautiful paragraphs on mothers from an article by Sheikh Dr. Saud Al-Shuraim, Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, in which he described the mother as “A simple, weak female creature, who is extremely affectionate and tender and has many virtues which are ignored by the rich who have eyes but do not see, ears but do not hear and hearts but do not understand. She is a soldier with no one to protect her and a guard with no one to guard her; she has the force of attraction and propitiation and the right of mercy and compassion. She is perfect, mature and the weakest of Allah’s creatures.

It is my mother: the receptacle for love and kindness and the spring of compassion and tenderness. Is there anyone who can affirm that they have given her what she really deserves? I believe that no matter what we do in this connection, we will never be able to give this sun her dues.

Ongoing endeavors to enhance cyber security

The ongoing and rapid evolution of the information and communication technology (ICT) has brought many benefits and positive points to all the aspects of our human, social, economic, cultural  and information-related life, particularly that the methods of conveying and exchanging information around the world have become faster, easier and more effective than ever. At the same time, however, these methods included gaps and negative points, which some people were able to use for gaining illegal access and causing harm and higher rates of vandalism or even theft. As a result, terms like “cyber crimes”, “information technology crimes”, “electronic piracy”, “cyber espionage” and others came into existence. These terms were actually classified and legislation and laws were enacted to deal with cyber crimes including threats, extortion and penetration of bank accounts and corporate systems in addition to spying on individuals and businesses, accessing protected security sites, sabotaging websites etc.

In this context, the 5th International Cyber ​​Crimes Conference was held and recently concluded in the UAE capital Abu Dhabi. The conference underlined the UAE’s growing interest in and keenness on achieving cyber security, particularly in light of the UAE’s rapid development in all the economic, commercial, administrative, education and health fields, depending on the world’s latest technology and means of communication. The UAE actually made great strides in this field, a recent one of which was its successful bid to host the World Expo 2020.

The conference showed that the UAE was one of the top countries that rushed to develop legislative frameworks to deal with all kinds of cyber crimes through issuing the federal law no. 2 for 2006 for combating IT crimes and replacing it by a more sophisticated law in 2012, while continuously developing the work of the police concerned with preventing and combating technological crimes, which contributed effectively to confronting them. This comes at a time studies indicate that cyber crimes have topped the list of the crimes developed in the UAE and are on the rise annually due to the increasing reliance on modern technologies in the majority of transactions, particularly the financial and commercial ones.

The multiple and diverse UAE entities which organized the conference; namely, the Ministry of Interior and Institute of Training and Judicial Studies in co-operation and co-ordination with the Ministry of Justice, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority and the National Electronic Security Authority show the importance for the entities concerned to combine efforts to develop an integrated strategy to confront IT crimes and translate the recommendations of the conference into concrete results with the aim of ensuring the best electronic security in the UAE.

Bearing in mind the multiple entities concerned with cyber crimes, the Ministry of Interior, led by His Highness Lieutenant General Sheikh Saif Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, plays a key role in confronting these crimes by focusing on the preventive aspect and consolidating security, stability and public safety among citizens and residents in implementation of the UAE Vision 2021, which is in line with Abu Dhabi Government Vision 2030 aimed at applying the concepts of e-government.

In addition to the above, the 5th International Cyber ​​Crimes Conference coincides with the International Conference for Security and National Resilience “ISNR Abu Dhabi 2014”, which saw the participation of national and global companies specialized in manufacturing security equipment and devices and safety and resilience devices, thus ensuring the integration of security in all its forms and levels.

Amentak Beladak

The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship makes a noble and meaningful gesture by presenting the Souvenir of “Amentak Beladak” to 2019 new-born babies. “Amentak Beladak” is an initiative launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces. ICA presents the “Souvenir” on issuing the birth certificates and adding new-born babies to the family book. It is a classy gesture, which emphasizes maintaining the supreme directives aiming at instilling the values of belonging and loyalty to the homeland in the hearts of UAE citizens.

The Souvenir which bears the photo of the founder father, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, reminds us of his values and legacy, on which the principles and rules of UAE are based. Among these principles and rules, dedication to work, giving, love, coexistence and tolerance.

The Souvenir conveys a message of HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed to the generations to remind them of the greatness of the mission they are entrusted with, i.e. preserving this precious homeland. It is a great and noble mission entrusted not only to the armed forces, the police and the security forces, but also to every UAE citizen. It takes many forms of diligence and hardworking in study and excellence, as well as dedication, sacrifice and maintaining social ties and national cohesion, and enhancing UAE position and image in every field and area.

This noble gesture reflects the keen of our wise leadership on being near to its citizens in a happy occasion like the happy event of receiving a new-born baby who joins the large family; the Family of “Zayed Sons”. Besides, this initiative marks his vision about building generations and instilling the love of, loyalty and belonging to this precious homeland. This initiative comes in line with his instructions to introduce the moral education in UAE curricula to protect children and create generations able to preserve the bright image of UAE and its high standing. This can be achieved by preserving its established values and moral principles.

We all remembered HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed’s call to the future generations to preserve UAE name, when he reminded us that when a citizen makes a positive action, it will be said that it has been made by an “Emirati” citizen, and if he/she makes a negative action, it will be said that it has been made by an “Emirati” citizen. Therefore, we have to remember these noble words and their indications before we take any action even if we consider simple especially that some people are waiting for any opportunity to exploit any unintentional mistake or misconduct to ruin UAE nam

Our Identity: Creativity and Innovation

In the light of UAE Innovation Month, where creativity and ambition are limitless, on 19 February, the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah was a shining star in the Forum of Innovation and Industry of the Future. Emiratis, sons and daughters of Zayed, passionate about innovation and their hearts are beating for realizing a leading, happy and tolerant state. These were the first statements of the ceremonial identity launched by ICA, as a part of its mission supporting excellence and uniqueness.

The moment you reach the forum’s hall, you find what is beyond chairs, screens and speakers; you find an exhibition that embraces you. It makes you gaze at the beauty of the innovative exhibitions and the creative ideas woven by a group of students from schools, technical schools and various institutions from Ras Al Khaimah. These students have gathered around one and only goal, united for innovation, united for creativity and united for a sustainable future. They gathered to be ambassadors in innovational knowledge to a country that does not know the word impossible, and reached the highest levels of competitiveness.

Being there, you cannot but capture three scenes that behold in your memory until you leave the forum. The first scene is the harmony between the Forum’s subject “Innovation and Industry of the Future” and ICA’s logo, holding in its heart the UAE flag, surrounded by stars and signs of artificial intelligence. Attendees realize that ICA organizational identity and its logo are an integral organization looking forward to establish the culture of innovation and making customers happy.

The second scene is a symbolic sketch, short in duration but deep in meaning and goal, written, directed and acted by ICA’s innovation ambassadors. The sketch message was well received, innovation is to be or not to be, asserting the quote of H.H Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum in his article “Innovate or Stagnate”: “Innovation is to be or not to be: I innovate, therefore I am”.

Third Scene is the energy of the organizers and their passion about actions that echo “Emirati and Proud” and “We are the sons of Zayed”. We are inspired by the love of our home, our leaders, the construction of our country and representing it in all forums. Our passport is number one, and our federal identity is the ideal. With every sunrise, we are determined to unite for being able to achieve a promising future.

Imad Al Din Hussien – Al Roeya newspaper, Thursday, 28 February 2019

Golden Residency

Localization of investment, just like its attraction, needs encouragement from the government and procedural facilitation for the State entry, residency and domestic and livelihood stability. Amidst the global and local competition over the attraction of capitals, localization of investment became a concern that haunts many countries in the last few years for being one of the strongest factors of activating business environment and economic cycle in general.

After the recent global financial crisis, we are now following a marketing race among investment encouraging entities in a number of world continents to attract investors by localizing their works in business projects in exchange for residency, taxes and fees facilitations. We noticed that the real estate crisis that swept most of the world was a key driver for that; for example, owning an apartment in Spain, Portugal or Latvia with a specific price limit gives the landlord an EU residency and exempts him/her from any complications related to the Schengen complications with freedom of movement between EU countries.

The “Golden Residency”, launched by ICA few days ago does not need any sponsor and presents direct solutions for the status of investors residing in UAE for years. It also provides solutions for many others whom UAE is trying to attract towards local investment and benefit from its durability, opportunities and attracting commercial returns. This kind of residency targets around 7K investors residing inside UAE who’re eligible for a renewable “Golden Residency” for a period of 5 to10 years according to the volume of their capital. In addition, the country seeks to provide an investment friendly environment.

The “Golden Residency” is not just a response to the status of the real estate market in UAE and the region, however, it attempts to motivate investors to establish companies, enter into new business partnerships or invest in bank deposits and the like. It is noted that the Cabinet reduced the residency of investors in property to 5 years, while investing in other sectors grants a renewable 10-year residency, on the condition that the investment in property is not less than 60%.

Besides, UAE grants the individuals with talents, innovative ideas and specific skills a 5-year residency without a sponsor provided that they own an already established and successful project with a minimum value of AED500. All of that covers many of the aspects that increase UAE competitiveness and test the efficacy of UAE attractiveness.

We are waiting for more smart well-studied facilitations to stimulate investments in monies and qualifications in UAE. We already have the privilege of being the top of the most favored countries to live-in in the Arab World for eight years.

For more information about Golden Residency: Click on About Golden Residency

For more information about the service of ISSUE MULTPLIE ENTRY PERMIT TO FINALIZE THE PROCEDURES OF THE GOLDEN RESIDENCY, click on the Service Card

For more information about the NOMINATION REQUEST FOR GOLDEN RESIDENCE, click on the Service Card

To verify your eligibility for the service, click Check Your Eligibility

To view the most frequently asked questions about golden residency, visit the following link

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