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Page last updated on : 25/07/2020 - 12:50 pm

ID Card Features

The Identity Card, issued by the Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship provides many features some of which are related to the identity type, method of manufacturing, etc., with other features related to its components and contents which guarantee the highest security levels for the data included therein

ID General Card properties

The Identity Card is made of a plastic material made of polyester known as (Melinex). It is a tissue which is distinguished by layers of security properties

Physical Aspect of the ID Card

The external aspect of the Identity Card is in compliance with most international standards among which is ISO Standard, as shown below:

  • (ISO/IEC 7810: 1995 (E))
  • (ISO/IEC 78116-1) related to the natural features
  • (ISO/IEC 7816-1) related to the dimensions, volume, margin area and many other international standards
  • The name is printed on the card as per ISO Standard (ISO 7501-3)
  • Nationality is printed on the card as per ISO Standard (ISO 3166-1)
  • The gender is printed on the card as per ISO Standard (ISO 7501-3)
  • The date is printed on the card as per ISO Standard (ISO 7501-3)

ID Card related features

Technological Composition which includes the highest levels of accuracy and security consisting of three properties:

  • Smart card
  • Public key infrastructure (Digital Signature and Authentication certificates)
  • Fingerprint biometric

Identification Number

The Identity Card is featured for its identification number known as the identity number which sticks with its holder forever. By this number, he may benefit from all the governmental and some of the non-governmental and private entities services, which require the identity evidence. The identity number is featured for its sole and un- repeated number. It includes 15 digitals

Electronic Chip

It includes the personal data to be read automatically in usages that require the holder to provide an identity evidence and authentication. Some of these data are encrypted and only readable/writable/updatable by the authorized authorities in order to protect the privacy of data. This chip may store up to 32 thousand letters of information

Other Technologies

The Identity Card has the state of the art technology in the field of smart cards, including the accurate letters, ultra violet ink and line drawing. It has nine security features which makes falsification of the card very difficult for such features excels the current used standards in many cards such as the banking credit cards

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