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Page last updated on : 25/07/2020 - 12:50 pm

PIN and Activation Mechanism


PIN is the key designated to protect your data, personal information, and the data of the services built in your card. Therefore, you must keep and memorize this pin number.

The ID PIN is a four-digit number to be selected when you register for the first time, namely after taking your fingerprint and capturing your personal photo.

Activation Mechanism

If the PIN is not activated during registration, or was deactivated because of being wrongly entered for three times in row, you can format or reset it through going to the nearest ICA’s customer happiness

center, or by using any of the ICA self-service machines available in the customer happiness centers. All you need to do is applying for activating or changing your ID, and after verifying your ID by inserting

your fingerprints, and inserting the new four digit PIN, your service will be completed.

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