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Page last updated on : 08/01/2024 - 11:35 am

Fujairah Customs

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Fujairah is one of the seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates, and the only one of the seven that has a coastline solely on the Gulf of Oman and none on the Arabian Gulf which helped its port on the growth and prosperity because of the importance of its strategic location in the region, which is the forum shipping lines between East and West.
Also, it offers an important hub for its activities towards markets in the Indian subcontinent and East Africa.
POF is the only multi-purpose port on the east coast of the United Arab Emirates, approximately 70 nautical miles from the Strait of Hormuz.
They began the first construction of the port in 1978 as part of the economic development of the United Arab Emirates. Then, they began the full operations in 1983.
Since then, the port of Fujairah proceeded on the continuation of the process of strengthening each of its facilities and a comprehensive set of functions.

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