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Virtual Tour

Page last updated on : 24/03/2023 - 12:53 pm

Verify that ICP Card is genuine and checking the status

VG will enable the card holder or an organization to verify that the card is genuine and valid by performing a number of checks.

The card holder enters the card in a card reader and press “Check Card Status”. The public data will be read and the VG can establish that the card is genuine by verifying security features on the card. The certificates are read and sent to VG that verifies if the certificates are valid including revocation check over OCSP. The result is presented to the user in an easy to read graphical manner (Valid/Invalid).

Step 1

Insert card and press "Check Card Status"

Step 2

VG verifies card correctness and validity

Step 3

Check towards central system online

Step 4

Results presented

This service will be available for testing soon. Keep visiting us.

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