As life and work have become more complicated and a cause for worry and as more and more daily chores await us with tight deadlines, this does not allow us to provide sing performance that is carefully planned and done in a manner that achieves success. This might make us lose our enthusiasm for work, hence losing the ability to enjoy it and enjoy life in general. We have to ask ourselves:
What success are we aiming for?
What does success mean?
The answer might be hard and vague for some, especially that success is not ultimate. There are times when success is on our side and other times when failure is our companion.
Successful people do not give up. When they face failure, they get their act together and continue their journey towards success. To be successful in life, you have to set achievable goals, and then you can set goals that are fairly more difficult and work on achieving them and so on.
Because success is not the ultimate goal around which our life revolves, the actual goal is to continue in the path of the success you have achieved which in turns means to continue self-development and working to be always the best in what you do and seek to be the best in your field of work and the profession you chose. You have to seek also to be the best leader, best spouse, father, mother, friend, son, daughter, etc.
Our lives do not have to be vain, whether we are successful or not, as any kind of work has to be defined by an array of expectations before commencing it. We have to be aware of the criteria upon which we shall evaluate ourselves or be evaluated by others.
None of us is 100% successful in any type of work they do, but the goal is to exert our utmost effort, learn from past experiences and mistakes and fully grasp this information to be able to carry out the task assigned to us in a better way in the future. According to Jeffrey J. Mayer:
Everything in life depends upon your frame of reference. Where you are, where you came from, and where you want to go.
These are five things you’ll find every successful person has in common:
- They have a dream.
- They have a plan.
- They have specific knowledge or training.
- They’re willing to work hard.
- They don’t take no for an answer.
Success starts with a state of mind. You must believe that you’ll be successful in order to become a success.
That’s why successful people have a dream; they always have well-defined purposes and definite goals. They have ambition; they always want to accomplish something; they are also focused and disciplined and are willing to work hard and go the extra mile as they have a burning desire to succeed. They are courageous enough to take responsibility for their actions and admit their mistakes.
In short: A person can be successful if he/she thinks success lies in willpower and belief that success can be achieved. Success means the achievement of several positive results that eventually make us happy, comfortable and satisfied.