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Page last updated on : 01/09/2020 - 2:28 pm

The extended festivities of the National Day this year gave way to opportunities and lessons excluding the conventional preaching. Festivities were mainly celebrating forty years of work and giving, hence, its lessons were inspired by reality and visual ideology in practice and application.

Then What?

The union spirit that we have dearly and sincerely embraced in all aspects and in our hearts and minds should now be transformed into programs and projects. Before a citizen contributes to the success of national projects through teamwork, the citizen should transform into a project. Each individual citizen should consider the future and always question himself every morning and every night about his duties and whether they are satisfied with what they have accomplished for that day. Each individual must be the judges for their performance regardingtheir family, society and nation.

The most important lesson to learn from the 40thNational Day is the love flowing throughout the nation. Citizens have expressed their belonging to the nation with high transparency, spontaneity and sincerity. After the National Day, this buoyant spirit should continue to flourish into an ideology.

It is noteworthy that UAE citizens and residents after the 40th National Day are not the same as before it. It is totally convenient to spread this awareness in the coming days, months and years, especially in schools, universities and youth circles as they represent the future of this country.

Yes, we have been nostalgic about the past on the occasion of the 40th National Day but this glorious anniversary definitely leads to the future and the future is the responsibility of everyone.

By: Ibn Al DeiraAl Khaleej Newspaper
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