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It must be known that the Emirates Identity Authority has recently won the “Summit International Creative Award”  in the category of ‘Best Government Website Excellence in Leadership and Development of Strategies for Digital Content and Cognitive Information’.

The award is annually organized by ‘Summit International Creative Awards’ in USA. Several entities from 9 countries across the globe competed for this year’s award, but it finally went to Emirates ID.

The winning is a new achievement to add to Emirates ID’s excellence record in all fields and at local, regional and international levels.

It is also a result of efforts exerted by those who are responsible for Emirates ID’s website and their keenness to consistently develop it for people to benefit from its services and contents easily and conveniently, as well as their commitment to implement the award’s standards.

Moreover, such an achievement is not surprising for Emirates ID who has accomplished many other successes and is continuing to do so, and thus it has become an example for others in pioneering, creativity and excellence.

Emirates ID’s primary achievement was the completion of the UAE population register and enrolling all citizens and residents in the ID card project. It was a mega civilized global achievement that adds to UAE’s achievements who excelled in all sectors, fields and domains.

This achievement was followed by another great one, which is the eTransformation in government services across country and the provision of advanced services for people and organizations, a matter which helps simplify people’s lives and comes in line with the UAE Vision 2021.

No doubt, successes are many, key projects and initiatives launched by Emirates ID are countless and these all contributed to elevating government services. However, what should be under focus now is the Authority’s new strategic plan 2014-2016, as accuracy of the population data is vital and this is what Emirates ID is concentrating on in its new plan. The Authority is seeking to provide accurate smart demographical information that can support decision makers in the country.

Additionally, the ID card should be boosted to become more adopted by individuals and organizations in public and private sectors, particularly that we are still seeing some entities who don’t interact with the ID card and insist on using passports, which is against Emirates ID’s efforts aimed to innovate in developing customer service and upgrading organizational excellence levels so as to achieve the highest levels of customer satisfaction.


Correct you mistakes instead of blaming yourself


While navigating Mr. Google in search for topics on innovation at work, a magnificent phrase stopped me and I felt that I need to share with my colleagues and the visitors of the Emirates Identity Authority website. The phrase says: “Correct your mistakes instead of blaming yourself”.

The meanings of this phrase urged me to call upon myself and my colleagues to start the New Year with determination to leave our own footprints and contribute to Emirates ID’s excellence. This can be done through doubling efforts and participating each in their capabilities in supporting the Authority’s march towards pioneering. Our contributions will definitely help guide Emirates ID on the right track.

Here is a call upon every fellow within this Emirati distinguished edifice not to be careless about your mistakes. Careless people are big losers, because those who don’t learn from their mistakes will never get the opportunity to learn. It is also a call for you not to be part of the other group of people who get terrified of making mistakes, and following a mistake they severely blame themselves. Those people tend to avoid doing anything out of fear of making mistakes. Both types are wrong. Be a person who tries to avoid doing mistakes, and if it occurred; doesn’t get frustrated. Let self-blaming be constructive and encouraging.

You need to always move on steadily and be confident of your capability to be one of the loyal soldiers who drive the ship with determination and will, since the true success is measured by comparing what you do with what you can do.

You are not required to be careless about work and repeat your mistakes; but rather do your job while trying not to do mistakes, as this is the path to success and innovation. Do your tasks even if the possibility of committing mistakes exists; learn from your past mistakes to consistently develop your outcomes.

Once failed, try again and be determined to correct yourself and achieve success. There is a root cause for every failure, correct it and you will get to satisfactory results. Stop blaming yourself and always remember that “today’s seeds are the roses of tomorrow and the thorns of the day after”.


Last updated on: November 12, 2020 /