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The Complaining Person

There are people who are always complaining and dissatisfied. There are people who blame others for the mistakes they make. During the academic years, such people are always right and the teacher is wrong; The teacher does not explain the lesson correctly. If such person fails the exam, it is not because he did not prepare well but because the teacher is prejudiced against him. Such person adopts the same attitude at the university and at work, but instead of the unjust school teacher and university professor, it is the unjust manager, official and minister. He thinks everyone is against him and doing their best to keep him from achieving success.

Sadly, there are many examples of such people that exist in our society. Many hold high positions by chance, priority or effort, yet, they do not give up their attitudes which reflect on the atmosphere and relationships at work. This no doubt affects the general performance. The complaining person spreads despair and frustration to those around him, regardless of his professional position. This person is the same under various names, in various positions and even under various masks.

They are without doubt individual behaviors and practices but individual acts, when they are repeated over time, become obvious. The danger is that such people here and everywhere are not usually checked on the administrative or legal level but they are very clear on the social level. Everyone talks about them, even the whole society.

It is important to face the phenomenon before treating it. The question is how to deal with administrative, practical and life phenomenon/phenomena that have social aspect that is applied and observed within the work atmosphere and affects it?

The question that follows is: what is the governmental entity that is concerned with such issue in the UAE?

What is exactly the role of the community development sector in the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Community Development?


Sincere Productivity And Strong Will

We aspire to reach high and concrete levels of productivity and prosperity

By embracing people

Who are sincerely productive in their work

We, at EIDA

Are honored to work for strong willed management

Committed management with a profound vision

Moving in steady and confident steps

Towards more accomplishments and achievements

Which are defined by results

Confident Management

That knows the road to take to its destination

Equipped with knowledge

Honest productivity

Sincere intentions

Strong will

And continuous efforts

After all, high positions

Require highly motivated

And enlightened minds

“The Story of a Customer Of a Registration Transaction”

He arrives on time

He takes slow yet hesitant steps

He is warmly greeted

He nervously takes a step forward

Smiles welcome him enthusiastically

First step of transaction is accomplished

He is given a waiting number

His number is called

Surprised, he rises

He approaches the registration line

Wondering if the service will be as distinguished

The employee welcomes him with a smile

Welcome, he said, to EIDA

They take his fingerprint

His picture and e-signature. Done

Transaction accomplished in minutes. He is happy

He says your service is a proof that time is gold

He thanks the government, the authority and the people

He starts telling everyone about his experience

The story spread everywhere and to everyone

It is the story of the hour, the story of a registration customer

Last updated on: September 1, 2020 /