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Surrounding yourself with happy people makes you happy


Life is all about happiness. We always dream to be happy so we are putting a lot of time, effort and money into it. Can we fulfill it or it would remain a distant dream that we cherish but can not realize it. Happiness has a wider concept that cannot be covered in this limited space or explained in few words. To put it simple, we can say that happiness is that feeling that we feel that everything is ok and beautiful or when we achieve a long-cherished goal. It is when you feel inner peace and self-satisfaction. Happiness is not about having perfect life. It is just a sign of how you are consistent with yourself and with the situations around you. It indicates that you have made your decision to disregard any imperfection.

It is not a matter of luck; rather it is an ability to overcome difficulties. Try to make others happy by saying kind words to them, bringing joy to them. This would make God satisfied with you and add more good deeds to your wallet. Speak warmly and treat all people kindly. Be quiet rather than hurting others with your words even if they have done something wrong to you. This shows how patient and forbearing you are. Treat people with kind heart and gentleness. Overlook insignificant things in order to keep your friends. Treat people naturally; have mercy on them especially those who are weak, poor or ill. Be yourself do not fake it. Be honest and informal and let other to be themselves when they handle you.

Avoid much blame and if someone blames you do not interrupt them but learn and do not be like that person who broke an alarm clock because it has got him out of bed. Do not be fiery. Fiery temper is bad in all cases. Do not be rough with others as such traits may alienate people and reduce your reward in the afterlife. Allah says, “If you were rough and hard-hearted they would have been alienated”. Make smile a lifestyle to make others happy. Nothing can make you happier than smiling. Smile at other people and share joy and happiness with them. Our Prophet said, “It is charity to smile at your brother”.

You should feel content with what you have and make contentment your life slogan. You should always be eager to give and accept your fate as happiness lies in feeling content with what you have as content brings peace to your mind and make you feel that only God can decide what will happen to you. You should be a source of happiness and beauty for others. You should feel it deep inside as you cannot give what you do not already have. To feel happy, you should be always positive and optimistic, and always ready to develop and prove yourself. Set your target and do your best to reach it to be successful as success is another source of happiness. Get rid of your negative thoughts and feelings about others.

Do not be upset with people, things or incidents that can make you feel blue or desperate. Let others enjoy their freedoms and do not control their decisions; share with them and give them sincere advice. Happiness cannot be attained through wealth, power or authority. Such things may lose their magic over time. Happiness to be close to your family and have intimate friends to share with them the best moments in your life. Learn, work and teach others as much as you can and give without expecting anything from anyone and God will not let you down.

Happiness is not the target; it is just a basic need for all of us and to make people around us happy in a way or another is the best way to find real happiness. Happy people see the present as the best days, expect a better future and live the moment enjoying life to the maximum. This can be reflected on his life and the life of other people surrounding him. It is wonderful to be always ready to help. Happiness is something you do, something you love and something you aspire to achieve. To be happy and make others feel the same, you should wish others what you would wish yourself”.

Love what you do until you do what you love


Love what you do until you do what you love. Sounds brief but full of meanings; does not it? It urges you to do your best and be dedicated toyour job regardless the nature and quantity of the work you do. So, you can get what you expect and reach your targets. We often experience some pressure and routine that may negatively affect our performance.

However, if we apply the above slogan, we can easily cope with this pressure, rise to the challenges and make our job easier.

It simply means that you should be satisfied with what you are assigned to do, be happy with your job and make your best to do it. You should realize that you can’t do it if you do not believe in it and eager to do it. When you love your job, you will be able to be creative and do your best.

Your dedication will lead you to self-satisfaction and even God’s satisfaction. Dedication is recommended in the Holy Quran (Work as God, Messenger and the believers will examine your work) and Prophet’s traditions (God will be pleased with you if you do your job well).

As a public servant, we have certain

principles to achieve job satisfaction. These principles include proactivity, teamwork, and cooperation with and helping colleagues.

This serves the best interest of the Emirates ID Authority, breaks routine, helps employee to avoid apathy and boredom and to achieve success and excellence. We all should trust God, the Almighty, and trust ourselves and our abilities, and should seek to discuss work-related issues and take responsibility in order to feel how important our job is. Getting your appearance in order with a smile of satisfaction and optimism helps boost your morale, bring you more satisfaction with what you do and seek to give better performance and achieve excellence.

One advice that can be given to all employees is that “Stop comparing yourself to others. Work on yourself; build your capacities and proceed to keep pace with all new things related to your job in order to be creative and successful”.

Love what you do. Time and place are not determinants of your career. Your career is only guided by your target and your great dream to make it to the top.

Do not hesitate and stop worrying about challenges that you may face.

If you find climbing that challenging you should be ready to live in quagmires. You should follow certain steps to succeed including self-confidence and goal-setting.

You should also have a plan, take the right actions, make the necessary sacrifices and never give up if you face any obstacle on the way. You should have a strong will and steely determination to do it. This is a call for all of us to improve and develop the Authority we are working for. This improvement should have good effects on our society and our beloved country.

When you love your job you love your country.

Card & ID


The identity card is the most important personal identification document. Recognizable efforts were put into this card to turn it into a comprehensive encyclopedia about persons to find any information about them. In the UAE, we can use the ID card as an ATM card as it is connected with beneficiary banks accounts in the state; and maybe in the future this would be available for their bank accounts around the globe. With such smart card we now have little burdens to shoulder.

I’m looking forward to taking the ID card to another horizon to reflect special characteristics of specific and general groups in the society. People with disability need an ID card to identify their needs without much effort. Thus the ID card will show the user identity in the best sense of the word. We know that people with disability needs care in different areas. Some cannot speak clear and widely understood words. Some use sign language which is only understood by few people especially those who work on deaf care. Some are autistic and most of them can not speak. Some are mentally ill and need more care. Another category that may need help is the elderly and illiterate who do not know their date of birth and do not understand employees in public or private sector for different languages and dialects.

I’m looking forward to having a card that really shows the identity of the holder and help the service provider to make the best effort to help the user. At a bank, for example, the ID card will give the bank employees all the information they need in confidentiality with no need to give them any data. It can show the employee whether the customer has special need in reading, hearing, writing, etc.

If the cardholder presents the card to an educational institution the employee will find all the previous educational records of the holder and if the holder needs special care. In medical institutions, the card will help the employee to get a brief history of the patient case, the drugs they are currently on, etc.

I want my country to be ahead of all countries and launch an ID card that carries all information about the holder that may facilitate any service without delay. A smart card is needed; one that takes the holder to the world of quick, quality and accurate service. The card should have applications with high level of confidentiality. Such applications contain the ID information, show the customer needs and help obtain service in a record time with no need to ask or get answers that cannot be available for many people.

We are the real pioneers and innovation is part of our work. We have coined the slogan “Help and Protection are People’s Natural Right”. We all should improve and develop what can make life easier. If we want to develop our services, we should know about them and get the direct and accurate instructions. Then, there will be no room for failure, procrastination or default.

Let us get down to reading


Reading is brain food; the key to wisdom and the way to knowledge. It broadens your mind, give you clear insights and open up new horizons to understand what’s going on around us. This was the basis for our visionary leader’s initiative to make 2016 a year of reading in order to let such a good habit play a key role in the life of Emirati people and those who live in this good land. Reading should be a daily routine to develop your abilities and take you to better intellectual levels.

The initiative of HH Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan was not launched in a vacuum. It was a part of a long-established cultural approach adopted by the UAE to build capacity of a man who is qualified to deal with life events and developments, learn from the past, develop the present and predict the future. This is the way to build a strong ambitious innovative society that is not affected by destructive thoughts or misleading groups.

Reading enlightens your mind and soul, expanding your mind and enabling you to understand and explain things and take right actions. It will turn from a regular habit to a delightful journey to discover many worlds and present them to people in a tiptop shape.

The path to build future generation and reach the top starts with reading; the first order of God to His Messenger Mohammed-peace be upon him- in the first verse of the Holy Quran “Read in the name of your God, the Creator”.

We do not need more evidence to show how important reading is. So, from now on I will read on a daily basis and choose a set of books within a timeline fashion to obey God and His Messenger and respond to the initiative of our president to make the Emiratis people of knowledge, civilization and openness.

Golden Jubilee 2021


Chairing the Emirates ID Authority meeting, HH Sheikh Hazza bin Zayed Al Nahyan, National Security Adviser and Chairman of the Emirates ID Authority Board of Directors, said that the UAE can be one of the best countries ever in 2021 thanks to the busy hands, dedicated minds, iron will and ruthless determination. HH Sheikh stressed the leadership ambition to bring all Emirates ID Authority centers to a 7-star level.

These words reflect knowledge, clear vision and true generosity. They reveal the power of openness, transparency, vitality and open-mindedness. Today, the United Arab Emirates make big leaps to attain its lofty goals and take considerable steps towards high-level targets. In this journey, it relies on the Emirati people awareness of quality, generosity and teamwork and the need to act as one family who love their country and loyal to their leaders and history. In such critical episode in the world history, we should normally aspire for more excellence to live up to the leaders’ expectations and right vision. They provided all potential and success tools, surmounted formidable obstacles, allowing the people of the country to control their fate, work hard and responsibly and give the best performance. This is not only because they are employed in a department or institution but also because they are the owners of this land whose sacred duty is to protect it and exert utmost efforts to make a bright future for these kind hearts and hard workers.

This is the intrinsic nature of Emirati people and leadership. They have pure nature with great devotion and deep roots in the desert, combining shrewdness and brilliance with fluency and eloquence. With considerable prudence, they have a great ability to transcend time and travel to the future. Like desert horses, they are surefooted, graceful, elegant, tactful, clever and well-bred with shrewd look and graceful move. This is the magic spell and the epic picture of the United Arab Emirates. If you search for it, you will find it among the stars. That state is like a fast cruising ship or the giving tree.

That is the true Emirates where leadership has sowed the seeds of love, compassion and loyalty to get exceptionally gentle, loyal and genius people. They write history of innovation, prosperity and pride. This country deserves to gain respect of the others who have been fascinated with the achievements it made.

Such country deserves be loved by all. It is an icon and symphony.

‘Identity Plaque’


“The customers are our guests and deserve the best of what we can offer.” With these words HH Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, honored the Services Centre of the Emirates Identity Authority. These words filled the hearts with feelings of delight and pride and articulated the awareness and exceptional ability of the leadership to absorb the requirements of the future, the needs of the nation and the dreams of the citizen.

We are the happiest people as our leaders are full of love for the country, commitment to the people and preparedness to sacrifice for their wellbeing and progress. The UAE could not have achieved what it did without the ability of its people who sailed the cosmic seas to harvest the pearls of success in order to assert his existence in a world in a constant state of change economically, socially, politically and culturally. This UAE accomplishment did not come from nowhere; it is the result of hard work and the ideas of its leadership that never postponed to tomorrow what is to be done today and never hesitated in taking advantage of the possibilities and capacities of the citizen and the resident in various spheres of life.

When a visitor who comes to an organization for some transaction becomes a guest, we must remember hospitality is a deep-rooted Arab virtue. When this happens, it means the UAE has transcended the knowledge levels of many countries. This culture is attainable only to a people whose necks reached the stars. The community has been blessed with values that teem with love, honesty and sincerity. This community is satisfied that work is worship and a sacred task and the one who does not work does not deserve to be among the human species.

This is what we learn from the words of HH Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. This is the message that reaches every person living in this country in which no tree without fruits will rise.

This is how we understand this plaque and the meaning of national identity. This is how we comprehend the quality that sets the emirati human being apart from the rest because the UAE has become the paragon of these virtues. It is sensitive to the pain of others because life here and on this earth is like a wave in our emotions.

How people enforce fourth power


As the reign of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, father of the Emirates and the Arab sage, was about creation of the state, the reign of HH Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of State, is about empowerment. We know this fact in the United Arab Emirates. The empowerment is achieved indeed in this sense by the exceptional speech of the President marking the National Day 2005. This speech has been later considered a historic document that contains the approach of HH Sheikh Khalifa which has become a government action plan after the Federal Supreme Council adopted the speech and the underlying goals. The speech covered aspects of development and called for moral or moral-like actions such as environment protection or volunteering.

However, the main focus of HH Sheikh Khalifa speech in 2005 as stressed in his national day speech in 2007 is related to the elections of the Federal National Council to empower the Emirati citizen through gradual political participation. Since then, empowerment in all senses especially that of elections and political participation is somewhat on the table. We hope that this term would be our daily and strategic concern and would be labeled as top priority in our national agenda.

Zayed’s creation of the state was conducive to Khalifa’s empowerment. That is a fact. The constitution of the United Arab Emirates was advanced and really ahead of its time. In the constitution, the Federal National Council is the fourth federal authority after the Federal Supreme Council, president and vice president of the state and the cabinet. According to the constitution, the fifth authority is the federal judiciary which has stood tall in the last decades as a safety for this country.

What does it mean that the founding fathers including the late Sheikh Zayed have decided to have the Federal National Council is the fourth authority? It is an early call to engage the kind and dear people of the United Arab Emirates (according to a video by HH Sheikh Zayed) in legislation and country management.

The FNC has managed to achieve part of this. It was a school from which several ministers, heads of departments and officers have graduated. The FNC must positively play its role to the end, giving honest and transparent opinions on the referred issues. This point has been reiterated by both the Late Sheikh Zayed and Sheikh Khalifa.

What has been written in documents should be put into force. The FNC does not have as low ceiling as some suggests. This ceiling is going to be higher on gradual basis in the years to come. However, this needs positive and limitless contribution from the members as the parliamentarian representation of people cannot tolerate: compromised solutions and half measures.

The members should extensively give inside and outside the State. Always take steps forward and never go back. Build on what has been done without a break with the past. The council should encourage teamwork and avoid the blocs we have seen before at sporadic events. Some say that they feel the ceiling will not allow for this. Such feeling should be ignored

The ceiling allows for a lot of things unlike some allegations. The FNC members have time and should use it all to serve country and citizens. We should here state a fact. The FNC has wasted a lot of time because of some interruptions, longer summer vacation before the constitutional amendment, meeting for one day only instead of two consecutive days unless there is an emergency or because of repeatedly discussed issues.

Empowerment can be achieved through more knowledge of both the local and international affairs and hard work to review laws, legislation and regulations on a regular basis. This would include coordination with the executive and higher authorities on some long-awaited constitutional amendments. The amendments include modification of article that provides for the number of the FNC members at 40. It is not reasonable to have the same number in both 1972 and 2015 while citizen numbers are multiplying, scholarships are making comeback to the UAE and institutions are developing within a remarkable governmental performance not only on the region but also on the world.

Will the 2015 FNC work together with senior executives on constitutional amendments that live up to the UAE expectations?

Election slates

Such slates are key in terms of choice and representation. This year, slates are almost free of the errors of the two previous experiences which contained some names of deceased people. These errors may have been avoided because of the reliance on the Emirates ID Authority and the Population Register. We should thank the Emirates ID Authority on their effort and learn from this experience after extracting the participant numbers. Like our previous experiences, some names are still away from the competition whether as voters or candidates. We should consider election as one consistent and indivisible experience.

The Smart Identity App is consistent with people’s aspirations


Keeping pace with the technological development is a welcome thing for service providers. It is in the interest of the recipients of the services. The Emirates Identity Authority’s follow up on the development of its smart application is commendable as it is in line with the expectations of all as it meets their needs in the shortest possible time frame.

Its plan to implement these things in a gradual manner allows the customers to take to the changes in a comfortable manner and to deal with the application in tune with the stages of its evolution, enabling the customers to take maximum advantage via their mobile phones for renewal of their ID cards or their replacement.

Therefore, the variety in smart applications offered by listed entities in the framework of the smart government policy will become a quality addition in the civilizational march.

ID Number and the New Health System


Doubtless; the recent decision of the Cabinet to set up a national unified database for all medical registers for the sick – via e-linkage among public sector and private sector hospitals reporting to either the Ministry of Health or the Health Authorities in Abu Dhabi and Dubai and the Emirates Identity Authority – will serve the government’s policy of strengthening relations among institutions. The e-linkage will be established by using the ID card in the provision of government services and adopting the unique ID number as the unified number for updating patients’ data.

The decision is in sync with the UAE’s efforts to establish a national health care system on par with the global standards as per the UAE Vision 2021. This is in order to strengthen the competitive edge of the country in health care and enhance its global ranking as per the performance indicators of health systems according to the World Health Organization. As of now, the UAE enjoys the 27th ranking globally in the WHO assessment.

The decision came at the same time as the announcement of the government’s smart transition in regard to government services reaching 96.3% with 331 services provided to the public on a daily basis having been made ‘smart’. It is a significant step in the UAE’s efforts to keep pace with global changes by relying on technology and smart applications for purposes of improving the quality of life for the people.

The decision is expected to improve the medical services provided to the patients as it would make it easier for them to receive suitable treatment as it ensures easy access to their illness history right up to their family background.

Another important advantage of the decision is that it will create a national database of genetically transmitted diseases endemic to the country, making it easier for the concerned authorities in the country to conduct studies and research about them and to adopt policies as well as preventive and curative programs for the prevalent diseases in the local community, besides putting in place mechanisms and strategies suitable for enhancing the performance of medical institutions in general.

The new system will also reduce the cost of treatment individually and institutionally through reduction in average cost of medical tests and the utilization of the available data for purposes of medical research.

The enhancement of performance in the medical sector in the UAE is sure to improve the position of the country in the world map for medical tourism. This will also strengthen various other components of the whole process, such as government spending on the health sector, the infrastructure of the sector and medical projects with qualitative importance such as the Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi.  This is in addition to the several medical legislations that the country adopted and its effort to enhance the standards for medical practices, such as the launch of the initiatives ‘the UAE Board’ and the decision to approve mobile health care to provide medical services to those who are unable to visit the hospitals such as the elderly living in remote areas. This is aimed at executing the UAE strategy of guaranteeing the right of every individual in the UAE society to receive basic and comprehensive medical care to the best standards and of giving care to the special needs people.

These intensive efforts are integral to a comprehensive development perspective that the UAE has adopted in order to make the standard of living in the UAE society one of the best in the world in various walks of life.

ID Number Your Medical Key


The most important prayer that emanates from your heart is for Allah to grant those who you love full health and a long life.

And the most important thing you can do to any human being is to extent him a helping hand when he faces health problems.

“The health of our citizens and those who live amidst us in our country is our priority,” said HH Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.

As such, an integrated health system on par with global specifications will be set up, including a national health database register that will include all those who visit government and private hospitals, with each patient having a unique number to identify him in whichever hospital in the UAE he visits. This number will be his password using which his doctor will access his health file.

The ID number is the medical key which will enable all doctors to access the files of the patients and understand the views of other doctors about their health conditions.

It is important for everyone to know how to utilize the technological development to serve him, facilitate work and save time.

The important thing about health files is to avoid errors committed by doctors and reduce the confusion felt by the patient. Whenever a patient is referred by a doctor to a hospital, he is forced to undergo the same tests that he had just got done days or weeks before.

The new development is bound to limit wastage of time and money for the patients, as well as the pain of carrying numerous files from one hospital to another as if he was starting a new treatment process from point zero. It is important for any hospital to accept the test results from another.

The country now wants to link the medical files to the development it is witnessing all around, and to offer a helping hand and a sense of happiness and comfort. Its eyes are fixed also on the world outside to extend medical and humanitarian help for those who need it. Today, it is carrying to the UAE the injured and affected families from Yemen and other regions suffering from devastation and plunder at the hands of the Houthis in order to provide them treatment in the hospitals here.

What the UAE is now doing for Yemen is nothing new. It is the same country that entered Palestine, particularly the besieged Gaza. It is the same country that sets sail towards any country near or far whose people need help as a result of catastrophes or wars.

It is a country that strives to extend to others the advanced health care and services that its people and residents enjoy.


Last updated on: November 12, 2020 /