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Fifty Six Children

We believe in destiny and fate and ask Allah for patience in time of misfortune, but road accidents have (human) causes that must be examined thoroughly and continuously. Such causes vary in the UAE and in some countries that witness continuous changes in construction, building and roads, in movement and congestion and in the number of population. May Allah bless the souls of the victims of the last two road accidents in the Sultanate of Oman. The call is for everyone to be careful, abide by the traffic rules and respond to the awareness campaigns carried out by the Ministry of Interior and its various bodies.

One recent call which took place by mere chance but could be used as evidence on the alertness of our security bodies was the call addressed to the UAE people urging them to abide by the speed limits everywhere especially in the Sultanate of Oman and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as the person exceeding the speed limit, according to the law, would be detained for 48 hours.

The Ministry of Interior statistics showed that 56 children were killed and 1,040 injured in road accidents over the past three years. This figure might be less than previous ones or in comparison to neighboring countries but is still shocking and needs to be addressed. Efforts need to be doubled to address the traffic phenomenon that unfortunately turned over the past years into a scary and deadly phenomenon. Fifty six children are traffic victims over the course of three years, not to mention those injured who exceeded a thousand including ones who definitely, though partially, became disabled. Causes might be simple and preventable. Scientific and objective addressing of the problem is urgently needed and this is not in conflict with our belief in the Acts and Decree of Allah.

Between Turmoil and Acumen

In Arabic, only one letter differentiates between the two words “Turmoil” and “Acumen”.

In concept, they are as far from each other as West and East.

A rational person is able to choose the direction that enhances acumen and uses wisdom in what he says, does and thinks.

Our country today is living its best era and is celebrating accomplishments that gave the Emirati citizen privileges whenever he goes.

People have better standard of living enjoying high levels of dignity and comfort.

This has been achieved thanks to a sharp vision, honest and merciful soul and sincere intentions of leaders who were convinced since the start that the human being is the most valuable resource and he is the most important and difficult figure in any construction or project to raise the UAE.

All these tremendous and continuous efforts yielded the unique Emirati model.

They stress the need to cling to the principle of teamwork established by the founding fathers and the leadership is seeking today to reinforce it to be title of the social, political and cultural structure that keeps the UAE in an advanced position in its near and far surroundings.

Taking sides and prejudice harm this spirit of unity and inflict damage on the national structure that has always been the strongest factor in shortening distances and taking leaps of development with different and new notions of success.

Secrecy raises doubts and suspicions and diverts hearts and minds from the most important goal, which is development, prosperity and happiness of the citizen to thinking in countering dangers and being occupied with fighting corruption instead of bringing welfare.

The nation today needs everyone to unite and reinforce the sense of trust in its wise governance.

The opportunity is still lingering for whoever missed the chance or slowed down to join the group with confidence towards the future.



In the United Nations E-Government Survey 2012, the UAE ranked 28th globally and 1st in the Arab region according to the e-government development index. It advanced 21 positions to the ranking this year. It is a notable leap that shows the extent of development achieved by the UAE with regard to the level of e-government services over the last twelve months. The ranking also shows how the government organizations were able to develop their services significantly in quantity and quality and expanded the use of online tools to provide their services to citizens. The government organizations achieved a level of efficiency, transparency and security and gained the trust of customers from various groups.

The progress made by the UAE in this regard helped it secure the 8th position among the emerging countries in the e-government field. It is a notable position too as it demonstrates the excellence of the UAE among the emerging economies that have the highest growth rates currently and among the countries classified as leading the global economic growth at the current stage having the highest rates of improvement of the population standard of living in comparison to other countries in the world, either the developed or developing world.

Providing government services via e-portals or what is known as “the e-government portal” is one of the main tools of online service development in the world. It spares customers the trouble of physically going to the premises of government entities to obtain services except in very limited circumstances. It also facilitates citizen navigation. In return, the application of the e-government reduces pressure from government facilities and employees and reduces human error that can be committed by the employees. Such developments should help in reducing the costs of government services and raise their efficiency for the interest of the customers who obtain the services they need with less costs and efforts, faster time and better efficiency.

This applies to the current status in the UAE that made great progress in building and developing its e-government, making it a single portal to provide the majority of government services. It has become one of the few countries in the world that are so close to having an integrated government e-portal according to the UN Survey that placed it among the top ten countries close to a pure one-stop-shop portal. This is the most accurate description of the efforts exerted by the UAE to create a contemporary e-government to express the progress as well as the economic, social and cultural development witnessed in the UAE. They are mostly successful efforts that achieved their milestone goals so far. These efforts are so close to achieving the total goals and purposes so that the e-government dream becomes a reality and the UAE can place a new pillar in building a knowledge society on its land and make great progress in realizing the goals of the comprehensive and sustainable development.


A Nation we Nourish with our Hearts And Protect with our Eyes

We thank God for the gift of wise governance bestowed upon us by God. Our leaders exert their utmost efforts in a blessed journey of giving, generosity and growth. Thanks to the wisdom of President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Master of this vessel called nation directing it towards the shore of security, safety, glory and prosperity and thanks to his clear wisdom, sincere care and kind heart that embrace every one of his children, the sons and daughters of the UAE.


Our love for our wise leadership, our identification with its enlightened ideas, our embracing of its genuine principles and our loyalty to its essential values, reflect our deep love of this cherished nation, this nation living in our hearts that we protect with our eyes and nourish with our hearts. It is the UAE, our present, future, and wonderful past. The UAE is our nation that we renew our loyalty, belonging and love for. We love each grain of its sand, breeze of its air and each of its palm trees.


Loudly and sincerely, we say, our sheikhs are our leaders, fathers, and crowns on our heads. They are the reason of successes, achievements and creativity of the UAE.

Our words will never suffice to describe our adoration for our sheikhs.


Whoever does not know our sheikhs will not understand the eternal relationship we have with our leaders.

Our sheikhs have kind hearts, loving smiles and endless kindness.

Our sheikhs are our role models. Their wisdom renews enthusiasm in our souls and their vision awakes the need forgiving in us.



Let’s draw together, as we have done before, and will do later, a roadmap of a charter of belonging and harmony with the UAE, our cherished nation and our love in order to protect this “trust” passed on from one generation to another. It is the “trust” of loving the UAE and loving the UAE sheikhs.


A Message of an Admirer

In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Truly, I don’t know how to cite the words or write the phrases

They are words coming from the heart to each member of my dear family

They are words of love to each beloved in this blessed family.

It’s a small family in number but large in its feats

It is a family started by Sheikh Zayed, God bless his soul,

And supported by his brothers, Rulers of the Emirates

The harvest was delicious fruits

Tasted by every beloved in this beautiful family

Everyone wants to live with us, and others feel jealous of this love

In fact, I cannot resume my phrases because there are lots of them

I am afraid to run out of words when I haven’t finished listing my family’s feats

Do you know who this family is?

Do you know its members?


It is the family of the Emirates Identity Authority

And its managers and staff members

Thanks to Allah first then to the man who gave and is still giving a lot to his sons and brothers, His Highness Sheikh Hazza Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Emirates ID Chairman, and his brother His Highness Sheikh Saif Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice-Chairman. They are truly appreciated.

I call upon each member of this family to write, thank and commend his family through writing

Finally, I ask Allah to strengthen our relationship and raise our morale

Thank you all

UAE of Excellence

13th May 2012 will always remain a historic day that will never leave my memory; a moment to ponder at that will never leave my mind and soul.

I shook hands with His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. I had the honor of meeting him four times on stage of Emirates Palace Auditorium and on a very unique occasion in the process of development of government work in our “unique” country. It is the occasion of honoring the winners of the Emirates Award for Excellence in Government Performance “Sheikh Khalifa Government Excellence Program”.

Perhaps it was the first time in my life to look into HH Sheikh Mohammed’s eyes, so what have I seen in them?

I have seen him as a unique leader with far sight, deep vision and extensive wisdom. I looked into HH Sheikh Mohammed’s eyes and I could immediately see the unprecedented love he has for the UAE and its people. I could see his solid determination and high morale which does not know the word “impossible”, understands only the language of excellence and accepts only the noble objectives as a goal, creativity as an approach and success as a title.

I am running out of words to describe what I have seen in HH Sheikh Mohammed’s eyes. I have seen unspoken exhaustion, the type that makes the person feel happy for exerting it willingly for his nation and the welfare of its people and all those residing on the land of our dear and generous country, not surprising from him, being a great leader.

HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai will always remain a unique example of an excellent leader in the “unique” UAE, always seeking “distinction” in confident and able steps with hope and promise.. with happiness and joy.

13th May 2012

It was a day that will always remain in my memory as a significant title of excellence for the process of development of government work in our beloved country. It is a process whose features are drawn by the ability of HH Sheikh Mohammed to look forward to a better future and according to his endless dreams; such dreams that see the UAE as one of the best countries in the world, or even the world’s best country and one of the world’s most distinguished, successful and beautiful countries.


Our Financial Policy gains international accolade

A UAE citizen has every right to be happy whenever his country makes a new achievement and flies with colors.

The UAE has been rankedfirst in the world forits efficient financial policy. This is, by all accounts, an unprecedented accomplishment.

He/she should be cheerful but sensiblewhile expressing the feelings towards every new accomplishment of far-reaching and efficient work.

It is unquestionable that we are the country of initiatives and ambitious people. We are the home of distinguished relations between the leadership and the people. We are the home of the dynamic government, which works hard at present, keeping an eye on the future and wholeheartedly working in the interest, convenience and welfare of each and every citizen.

We are those who belong to the country of comprehensive and balanced development. We are the country in which government has laid down the efficient financial policy, where everything is properly kept. The witty observer should revise the laws and decisions on the general budget of the federation and aspects of expenditure over the past years to ensure how this nascent state has painstakingly endeavored to create a better life for its citizens, as if that goal is on top of all other objectives.

Everything has been kept in its right place, or as is where the government expenditure is required to be , in a sense that it is rationalized. The matter, however, did not reach that point overnight, but ran on its normal course towards evolution. The budget, when chalked out, considered the performance against the budgetary items, and spending is made according to a plan and conceived outcome.

UAE today is the first country worldwide in terms of the efficiency of government financial policy.

Therefore, and on this occasion, the Emirati should be delighted, and can see the difference when compares his country with other Arab countries which have the same financial resources. The UAE has – in a span of short time and since the inception of the Federation – made a quantum leap and achieved a lot.

Other Arab countries which have the same financial powers, or even much more, squandered them for they subject the wealth to personal mood and mismanagement.  Instead of putting things on the right place, spending in the said countries was allocated to fictitious and unreal prioritized projects and programs. This eventually led to disasters which the world by and large has seenlive.

In the UAE, praise be to Allah, the matter is different. Acitizen has the right to be happy butreciprocally he/she should continue dedication and work hard, always looking forward to the future, belonging to this land, being loyal to the leadership and contributing to the efforts of a government that determinedly wants to score top places worldwide. It is now clearing the hurdles with great success to reach the apex.

The “Identity” and us

The Programme of Population Register and Identity Card (ID) has come out and figured prominently.  It serves as a catalyst and answer to many questions, as well as a solution to problems everyone knows, especially in our country, which suffers from stark imbalance in the demographic structure. All of us feel the danger, and we all should work, as supposed to be, to contribute to address the hitch.

If we have initiatives to redress the imbalance of the demographic structure, the Population Register program is on top the list. It has the potentials to monitor, follow up, know exactly how to control and manage the population map. With elapse of days and years, the paramount importance of the project has become much known, and sense of awareness spread among the Emiratis and expatriates. Such awareness is expected to take deep roots, and reflects positively through practices on the ground.

The Emirates Identity Authority has dealt professionally and transparently with different issues related to its activity, especially those pertaining to the public.

Therefore, it is no wonder, if it scooped the awards of excellence thereafter. Moreover, its name has always been read out among the laureates.

Work is tremendous and requires cooperation of everybody to understand what is meant by the decision of extending the deadline to one more month to the convenience of Dubai residents to obtain or get their ID’s renewed.

It is required from all , later, to respond positively to  the concept, the project and the program, as the decision of extending the deadline to one more month was nothing , but meant to render the service to as many numbers as possible  of the residents of wonderful Dubai, under the slogan of quality and efficiency.

Eventually, “Identity” is, by all accounts, the project of the future. It is true that we know how advantageous it is today, and at this moment, but we will come to know much more about its benefit tomorrow.

Our Superb Authority… Our outstanding Authority

Dear brothers and sisters

In love we always meet

And in good we always get-together

Each and every one of us has seen the positive changes which have taken place in the Emirates Identity Authority over the past three years. Everybody must have felt the magnitude of these changes—quantatively and qualitatively, creatively and outstandingly.

We all must have seen how beautiful our wonderful and outstanding Authority is.

The Authority huddles as us like a loving mother.

We have learnt a lot from the Authority, and so do we benefit much more.

The duty of  loyalty and sense of belonging prompt me, in these moments , to call on the family of the Authority, men and women employees, to write down together, even if one single line.

We express   letters of sincere loyalty and words of thanks and appreciation to H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General, who brought us together around the sense of sincere fraternity and friendship.

We fail to express and select the words of thanks, especially when they are said to those who magnanimously give without limits.

Praise be to the Almighty Allah,  we pay you our director and teacher rich tributes for your sincere efforts and achievements you have made in the Authority.

We pray to the Almighty Allah that you surge ahead, reward you and make others benefit from you.

To he who supports us with his morals, culture and experiences,

To he who made love, glory and magnanimity a goal we yearn to achieve in the ongoing march of our Authority,

To you who has built and set up the towering edifice of our Authority with diligence and hard work, we say:

May Almighty Allah bless your good offices and light up the path of education accessible and acceptable to you.

We wish you all the best and we commend your tireless efforts and great achievements you have made.


Best Federal Authority

Thank God

If you are set on reaching a goal
You should not be satisfied until you reach the top

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Emirates ID Staff,

It is my honor and pleasure to announce to you that our dear authority won the following four awards in Sheikh Khalifa Government Excellence Program:

  • Best Federal Authority award (less than 900 employees)
  • Excellent federal agency in leadership
  • Excellent federal agency in service provision
  • Excellent joint working team award (elections team)

I did not know how to begin writing about this, but thanking God was the best way to do it. I am trying hard to find the words that can adequately express my pride, appreciation and gratitude to all of you, but only thoughts are flowing in this moment like drops of rain filled with optimism, hope and happiness.

Being the best federal authority and winning this many excellence awards mean we are on the right track, the track that we drew its features together three years ago. It led us to our current achievements and will lead us, God willing, to achieve our aspirations, more achievements and better results.

Four awards … Victory feels great …

I look back and regain memories of us together, hard at times; working around the clock studiously in order to finish a project we started or accomplish a goal we set or reach the end of a road we drew.

  • Awards are the result of hard work
  • Excellence is not a grant or souvenir
  • Excellence is the result of effort and hard work
  • Excellent is the award of distinction and creativity
  • Excellence is the first step towards the top and first drop before rain

The title “Best Federal Authority” is a great award for a journey we started together and will continue together. The roadmap for this journey is a crystal pure intellectual and administrative system and a new strategy based on understanding reality, handling it well and addressing its challenges through courage and consistency.

If you are set on reaching a goal
You should not be satisfied until you reach the top

A verse composed by al-Mutanabbi; a verse that summarizes the best meanings of excellence in very few words; a verse that puts us all in direct challenge with post-award duties and responsibilities.

Should we be satisfied with four awards?
Should we stop at these accomplishments?
Should we be happy and smile then count on past achievements?
I am sure that the harder part is coming.
Maintaining success is more difficult that making it.
I am certain that excellence is an infinite journey.
The most beautiful achievements are the ones yet to be made.

My trust in you is ample dear brothers and sisters and I hope you will be the “knights” of the coming achievements as you were deservedly already people of action and stars of excellence.

God bless you all


Last updated on: August 26, 2020 /