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In this sense, the question of achievement is directly related to time, and in every year there are efforts exerted, new ideas created and budgets devoted to the completion of projects. Strategies in our country are linked to its promises and completion dates, and the entire community is invited to follow up. What is the completion percentage of this or that project? The press and mass media might exert the follow-up efforts consistently and persistently: for example, it is said 50 percent of this facility or that highway was completed. Some projects may be delayed, prompting the press to ask questions which the person in charge may or may not answer.

The endings and beginnings of years are absolutely suitable for an inventory at both the individual and corporate levels. Organizations, usually, seek this process at the level of budgets, spending and income, but only a few of them questions responsibility by putting it at stake and in the frontline.

This mode of thinking is adopted by the UAE government, a dynamic government par excellence, which calls for taking initiatives and rejecting bureaucracy and routine truly and honestly. This, however, is required to reflect equally on the performance of organizations and departments even in the minutest details. Moving forward is important, but such importance will diminish if man did not look back a little for revision, calculation and recalculation.

The year 2013 is wanted to be a year of continuous development, progress and prosperity. When His Highness the UAE President gave his directives for the year to be devoted for Emiratisation, coupled with a package of initiatives, the first of which is Absher, these sublime directive noted strongly the importance of paying due attention to human resources, where citizens are the top priority and prime concern.

Welcome to 2013 and to work, production and proficiency.


Cyber frauds


Cyber fraud constitutes one aspect of modern crimes that have spread recently in the UAE, threatening many individuals of the society, particularly after the increasing use of modern technology in such areas as communications, management, banking and finance, these being data that constitute a fertile environment for the activities of cyber gangs. The latest of these crimes has recently been revealed by the Electronic Investigation Division, General Department of Criminal Investigation, Dubai Police. The division arrested an Internet fraud gang of African and Asian nationalities specializing in hacking into and planting software to access the information related to companies and looting their money inside and outside the UAE. The division seized commercial papers and forged cheques valued at AED 6 billion in their possession.

This is not the first time that cyber frauds of this magnitude are discovered and those involved are arrested. Earlier, Abu Dhabi Police, in collaboration with the UAE Central Bank, foiled in 2010 many cyber frauds targeting the Central Bank for withdrawal of billions of dirhams by falsifying some papers and documents. Add to this the cyber frauds that targeted the PIN of customers’ accounts and data of credit cards for criminal purposes, causing the UAE to lose huge amounts of money annually. According to Norton’s report on Internet security which was published in 2011, cyber crimes cost the UAE’s economy around AED2.25 billion a year. The report showed that at least two UAE residents fall victim of cyber crimes per minute by effect of viruses, scam messages and phishing etc.

The UAE remains among the most countries targeted by electronic scams in the region, particularly that it occupies the forefront in terms of the widespread use of the Internet, employment of digital technology and level of e-readiness as part of its orientation towards a knowledge-based economy and its keenness on activating the digital culture and publicizing electronic transactions in the various ministries and organizations with the aim of keeping pace with what is happening in the developed world. By virtue of the prominent economic position it occupies nowadays and the climate of economic openness it offers, the UAE is more vulnerable than other countries of the region to this type of cyber crimes and this necessitates official and non-official entities to double efforts to confront various manifestations of cyber frauds.

Despite the diversity of cyber frauds targeting individuals and financial and banking institutions, the UAE has been able to deal most effectively with this type of crimes, thanks to its integrated strategy, which depends on adopting the latest technologies for electronic applications, employing the latest mechanisms and solutions for network security in its integrated bases and trying to improve the ability of the individuals of the society to use electronic services via the “Digital Citizen” program, which is aimed at eradicating IT illiteracy for all segments of the society. This comes in parallel with the effective efforts exerted by the UAE security and police authorities, which are keen on improving their performance with the aim of coping with the world’s various technical and electronic developments in the field of fighting cyber crimes, adopting the electronic forensic science and building security expertise to face all forms of cyber crimes and keep track and spot perpetrators most urgently.

Our Union is our Identity

My Country My Identity … We carry inside us values of belonging to a dignified nation, the land of our ancestors; my identity lies in the true meaning of union between the leader and people, between time and place.

We have been living for forty one years under the umbrella of the union, writing history with pride and dignity and writing solidarity and beautiful values, doing the impossible for a nation that has been giving us with nonstop generosity. We cannot find enough words to describe its pride.

My identity means my loyalty to a leader, father and a country with a mission among other nations reflecting creativity whenever it is represented and carrying welfare for everyone living on its land. My identity means my belief in God, loving people, leadership carrying welfare and love for everyone and a country filled with security, peace, tolerance and love.

Forty one years marking the anniversary of living under the union and leadership of our father and our pride of Sheikh Zayed, may he rest in peace and our founding fathers. It is an anniversary that is vivid among us every year to renew love, loyalty and sense of belonging.

Sheikh Zayed once said, “The true wealth is sincere and serious work that benefits the human being and his society. Work is eternal; it is what defines the value of a human being and a country”.

The most beautiful models of wisdom and decisions upon which the country of the union was built namely care for the human being in this cherished nation resulted in achievement of the ambitions and hopes of our leader. The nation’s focus on the citizen and eliminating all obstacles and enabling decisions for his/her interest were the main priorities of the union yielding a nation we are proud of, a nation that stands high among all other nations.

Our identity belongs to us and is the source of our pride and dignity. We maintain it as long as we are breathing and support the spirit of the union as we fully believe it is the best among all other nations. We have one heart beating, one flag and one land. We, at Emirates Identity Authority, know that identity is the pillar of this nation and its pride and worked hard to represent the role of identity in the national unity and instil values of solidarity by defining citizens and expatriates under one umbrella representing the latest developments in this field.

We endeavoured to achieve important strategic goals that pave the way for technological potential and collect demographic records to serve as reference for government departments and demographic studies upon which all options and strategic decisions are built in order to achieve welfare and prosperity of this dear nation.

Finally, we congratulate His Highness the UAE President and our wise leadership on the 41st National Day celebrating the establishment of the union wishing them a long and prosperous life and the continuity of progress and prosperity of our dear Emirates.


Loyalty and Belonging to My Country

Our celebration of the 41stNational Day of the UAE is that of a great process of achievements, building and challenge that was initiated by the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, God rest his soul, and his fellow Rulers of the Emirates,may Allah have mercy on them, on December 2nd1971, who faced challenges and difficulties to build this great nation of justice and truthfulness.

The process of building and development began all over the UAE in in all fields, starting from education, which was paid utmost attention and made free and compulsory from kindergartens to university stages, through to health care, infrastructure, social services, housing and defense and police bodies, enabling security and safety to prevail throughout this nation, which opened its arms to everyone as seen through the diversity of the nationalities living in the country without any discrimination.

Thisanniversary is an opportunity for us to derive lessons from the biography of the leader father Sheikh Zayed, may Allah have mercy upon him, who,thanks tohis expertise, wisdom,piercing vision, and above all firm faith in Allah Almighty, couldlay down the foundations of this lofty building and reinforce its constants, which we are still using to illuminate our present and guide us in our future in our ongoing questfor what would add to the glory of our country and the well-being and dignity of its citizens.

Today, we walk hand in hand under the leadership of President His Highness Sheikh KhalifaBin Zayed Al Nahyan, may Allah protect him, and his brethrenthe Rulers of the Emirates to be among the advanced countries of the world and maintain our top position as determined by our prudent government.

I am proud of being a UAE citizen who lived during the reign of Zayed, our father and founder of our state, may Allah have mercy upon him. I am also proud of working for the Emirates Identity Authority, whose top priorities include contributing to enhancing national security through promotingthe personal and nationalidentity, keepinga safe population register, being the main reference for personal identity in the UAE and providing demographic data in it.

UAE Citizen in the love of his country

These days, the UAE enjoys the celebration on the occasion of the 41 National Day. The UAE Citizens are patriots -to the bone- in their love to their country and in the ways they express that love.  It is rare that we hear a UAE citizen complaining about the situations in his country, but if you thought of the opportunities (on all levels) available to the UAE citizen, you would realize that there are no reasons to complain.

I am often impressed by the spontaneous relation between key society figures and people in the UAE. The UAE official, whether a Sheikh a Minister or a businessman, is known for his modesty and closeness to people around him. The Emirati young man achieves the “Dreams of His life”, including a career, a house and a family, at young age. Public and private intuitions supporting the youth’s projects and motivates them to be creative and innovative.

The level of services in the country has reached a number that is difficult to compete with, even when comparing UAE to international countries that have had a head-start of decades over the UAE.

I have been living in the UAE for 8 years, like thousands of youth from the region, and I wonder, what has tempted me to come to live and work in the UAE?

The answer is that “Opportunity” that I have found in the UAE and nowhere else. I know Arabs who have migrated from their new countries, USA, Canada and Europe, and decided to come and live in the UAE.

The UAE citizen invests in a patriot and intelligent way in this atmosphere that attracts ideas and creativity, and he is proud that his country has established an environment that is opened-minded to others, which attracted more capitals, minds and creative ideas.

And when Sheikh “Abdulla Bin Zayed” adopted the “Flag on our house” initiative, residents of the UAE, citizens and expats alike, raced to raise the UAE flag over their houses, in a response that represents a minor fraction of the people’s love to a country that has given them opportunities of a lifetime to achieve ambition and peaceful living.

Nation of Gold

“The beginning was at the Union House. It is where we renewed our pledge”. These were the words of Mohammed bin Rashid yesterday and the headline for the coming phase in the union march. The Cabinet’s meeting in the Union House that witnessed the establishment of the UAE was not only symbolic but also historic. It determined features of the national work in the coming phase and renewed will, determination and endeavor towards larger development for a country that has long been determined to excel and be one of the world’s developed countries. “Achievement, excellence and overcoming challenges” has become the headline of the coming phase as determined by yesterday’s meeting. It was inspired by the founding heritage in the Union House and depending on the citizen who was and will always be the center of focus. The citizen exists in Khalifa’s approach and his national program as well as being the dignity and pride in Mohammed bin Rashid’s vision. The citizen is the pride of the nation because he/she is the means and objective of the renaissance. In this context, 2013 was determined as the year of nationalization through practical programs so that the picture becomes more beautiful and radiant and the nation becomes even more beautiful by crowning the citizen as the champion of accomplishment and challenges across all sectors by truly involving them in the overall renaissance witnessed by the UAE. The features drawn by the Cabinet for the coming period and statements of Mohammed bin Rashid set a strategy to immunize the union, reinforce its identity by combing genuine and modern spirits and protect its accomplishments made by its sons and daughters. Only then can the UAE live in a continuous spring because money does not last, people do not last but the nation remains as Zayed said. The union spirit has been flowing in our veins for 41 years, its goodness surrounding us and its glory embracing us. Today, we should return the favor to the nation through work and accomplishment and excellence and innovation. Towards this end, our vision for the UAE’s development is inspired by this spirit through our commitment to work as one team in a nation of gold.


E-Government Excellence

Abu Dhabi Systems & Information Center recently won the Outstanding e-Government Prize in the open city category for the location data program for the emirate of Abu Dhabi during the World e-Governments Organization of Cities and Local Governments (WeGO) Awards 2012. This victory reflects the distinguished efforts of Abu Dhabi in implementing the latest technology and best practices in the e-government field in order to provide the best services for the public.

The location data program is one of the Abu Dhabi Government programs that are managed as part of the e-government program for ADSIC with the aim to facilitate the sharing and exchange of geospatial data among government agencies and other related entities and to make the latest geographical information and high quality location e-government services accessible to the public in an easy and convenient manner. The program was awarded the WeGO award. This reflects the advanced position achieved by Abu Dhabi in applying the e-government, especially that, as known, the WeGO award is deemed one of the highly-esteemed international awards that recognize and promoteoutstanding practices of e-governments of cities and local governments. It also highlights the efforts of organizations and agenciesaround the world that use information and communication technologies to improve administrative efficiency and citizen’s access to public services.

ADSIC is the governmental bodyoverseeing the Abu Dhabi’s Information Technology agenda. It also oversees the execution of the e-government program at entities affiliated with Abu Dhabi government by assuming many key roles in this regard such as suggesting technological policies and applications for Abu Dhabi government and its affiliated entities. It aims to achieve overall quality in reaching the highest levels of effectiveness, privacy and security in the e-government project. It also operates as a reference in the field of IT policies and criteria. It supports the execution of IT projects and infrastructure relating to the initiatives of modernizing Abu Dhabi government. Last but not least, ADSIC assumes the “publisher” role to support IT knowledge. The main purpose is to place Abu Dhabi in a leading position in the government modernization field at the regional and international level.

The strategy of the e-government comes in context of the comprehensive vision of Abu Dhabi government aiming to provide services of the highest international performance standards that achieve full benefit to all its customers and transforms the society from conventional economy into knowledge-based economy. It also aims to improve digital education and enhance development to reach the goal of the wise leadership in making Abu Dhabi among the best five governments in the world.

Perhaps what brings confidence in that Abu Dhabi in particular and the UAE in general are taking stable and advanced steps towards applying an e-government and raising the level of readiness of e-transformation of services provided by the federal government to customers and specific indicators in this regard is that the UAE ranked seventh internationally on the “E-Government Services for 2012″ index. It also ranked sixth globally on the “E-Participation” index in the United Nations e-Government Survey” for 2012. This confirms that the UAE has become one of the major experiences in the e-government field, especially in employing digital technology and e-readiness level.

One violation after another

The announcement by the Ministry of Interior of a two-month extension for violators of the residency law starting from 4 December 2012 until 4 February 2013 was right in place for many reasons.

This extension will allow all residency violators who wish to leave to return to their countries without incurring any financial or moral repercussions as violators will be exempted from all resulting fines if they choose to leave the country voluntarily. The second useful thing is that the UAE will get rid of not a few numbers of violators, which should reflect positively on the infrastructure and security in general.

Observers stressed that the number of violators is not big due to many measures and decisions taken by the UAE thus limiting their number and presence notably the eye print that since its application in 2002 until now has prevented about 600,000 persons from entering the country being already deported or not allowed to enter the UAE. In addition, the ID card system and other forms of organization that are followed in the citizenship and residency departments limited the number of violators or those who want to stay in the UAE illegally.

One violation brings in another. It should be noted that some individuals become violators by force or circumstances push them to commit a violation such as being laid off from work or expiration of their visiting visa and not wanting to leave the country.

Some of those people who were forced by circumstances to commit a violation continued in their new situation without being aware of the unfavorable consequences. He/she does not want to leave the country either because of their love for the UAE or because of reasons related to the situation in their home country.

Due to their violation, many could not renew their ID card, could not renew their car registration and could not renew the residence visas of their children thus depriving them from education.

After being secure at work and occupancy, he/she became chased by all entities due to their negligence regarding their residency status in addition to bad financial conditions and consequent bank claims of loans and credit cards, hence being chased by law or wanted for arrest.

How many of these violators had a car accident and reported it to the police but due to their violations fell into a big “trouble” and found themselves behind bars due to their violations, checks, tuition, licenses and many others.

Non-official or illegal residency exposes us to many problems. In any country, a foreigner is required to be staying legally before sustaining a job, food and any other thing. This extension given by the Ministry of Interior is another chance for those violators to get things under control.

Question of Responsibility

The question of immediate benefit or forthcoming feasibility that would accrue to a ministry, department or government institution is an extremely problematic question and dangerous as it may prevent, or contribute to preventing an institution from doing specific duties towards the society and the nation. Naturally, a purely financial measure can be adopted neither in this place, nor in any other place when talking about a nation and its supreme interests, owing at least to the duty of social responsibility.

The problem lies in the fact that the promotion of the concept of social responsibility is restricted in the UAE, even in announcements. It is limited to corporate responsibility in the narrow social sense of the word or phrase. It is often said that no taxes are imposed on UAE-based companies, which make huge profits in free and open atmospheres; so why do not they contribute to social work by allocating some of their profits to support the budgets allocated for this purpose.

This is part of the social responsibility taken as a whole. Under the meant social responsibility falls the immediate response – away from the question of financial cost – to each national initiative posed, illustrating a general national and social tendency: How will our institutions tend to act as regards the idea of ​​the “Union Tree”, for instance?

Unconventional celebration of the 41st National Day and all the next national days falls under social responsibility, and so does the support for the creative social and cultural activity seen in our country in this stage of its progress and for the efforts exerted to empower women and the youth.

The titles are many, and the institutions themselves should put the goal of serving social responsibility in this new and renewed proposed concept on top of their priorities before asking themselves at the end of the year  when they inventory their assets and calculate their profits: What did they do or what should they have done as far as social responsibility is concerned?

While we as Arabs and Muslims have a long history of volunteering, solidarity and generosity, it does not seem favorable to cite the institutions of the industrial West and what they offer in the context of social responsibility, but unfortunately this is inevitable.


The UAE, a homeland of rights and freedoms

The words of the speech of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE President echoed in all corners of this generous nation while addressing representatives of the UAE people in the opening of the second ordinary session of the Federal National Council (FNC).

In his speech given on his behalf by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice-President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, he reinforced the values upon which the UAE was founded making it a haven for citizens and expatriates alike. These values are based on a constitution that primarily protects rights and freedoms enabling a healthy and right atmosphere for the nation and its citizens to accomplish progress and full development in all fields. This ensured turning the UAE into an oasis of security, safety and stability as well as prosperity and progress.

These achievements were the result of insight and visionary programs of the wise leadership inspired by the approach of the founding leader and father Zayed bin Sultan based on the notion that securing a human being in his homeland and providing them with the resources they need is key to progress of the nation and citizen. Under this awareness, the national structure was established and reinforced creating an experience of unique model to be followed in building, coexistence and tolerance and enjoying high recognition at the regional and international level.

The words of the leader of the march under the “Blue Dome” and in front of representatives of the UAE people were a confirmation of commitment of the political leadership to continue the march of this nation towards larger and further horizons by reinforcing the law and protection of rights and freedoms based on the constitution directing the performance of various authorities and institutions in the UAE.

The speech was also a stress on commitment to enrich the parliamentary experience in the enablement age launched by leader of the march in his speech on the occasion of the 34th national day 2005 which represented a historical turn in building the nation and parliamentary work being as old as the nation itself. The FNC turns 41 next February. It is a commitment based on values and idiosyncrasies of this society.

The speech urged citizens to move forward with more will and determination to continue enhancing the accomplishments of this nation and protect its security and stability through more sincere and hard work and supporting the leadership and national solidarity. The speech and occasion were also an opportunity for those wishing to know the idiosyncratic experience of the UAE and its achievements in the fields of human rights, protection of freedoms, respect for cultures and raising the values of coexistence and tolerance away from unilateral reports of doubtful goals of these suspicious organizations.

The experience of national work in the UAE created a unique model of a society denouncing division, racism, extremism and partiality, supporting values of love, cooperation and openness and directing its capacities towards work and building for the prosperity and dignity of the human being in his own homeland. This society extends a hand of friendship to everyone and is keen on helping deprived communities without discrimination because of color, race or belief. This is the essence of values upon which the UAE was founded guiding it towards the future to achieve “enablement” for the prosperity of human beings on the land of the UAE and humanity in general.


Last updated on: August 26, 2020 /