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Facts and Thoughts

Nov 14/2013

In all standards, it is an achievement. An achievement to be attributed to the Emirates Identity Authority and adds to all its non-stop achievements.

Before anything else, it’s a scientific achievement for the UAE which has become a model for other countries in development, growth and advancement as well as in pioneering and excellence experiences which have become the focus of the whole world.

I’m referring here to the invitation received by Emirates ID from the consortium in charge of EU’s Secure Identity Across Borders Linked 2.0 (STORK 2.0) project to join the consortium as “Special Advisor”. STORK 2.0 is one of the largest strategic projects carried out by the European Union to develop a mechanism to identify and confirm individuals’ identities in its countries. It also aims to achieve great benefits in the areas of economy and security.

No doubt, selection of the UAE represented by Emirates ID by such a prestigious entity like the EU Consortium which is in charge of setting up the unified identity system in the ‘Euro’ Zone, has several meanings and connotations. It is an evidence that the UAE has become a pioneer in managing the advanced ID and in developing its secure, modern and reliable systems. UAE’s experience is distinguished among other countries and has become a motive for them to follow its steps. Moreover, the projects launched and being launched by Emirates ID aiming more development and progress are the focus of others.

The selection is a recognition of the importance of UAE’s experience which should be followed in application and execution, particularly that it is connected to economic and security issues and closely linked to infrastructure projects such as health, commerce, education, economy, finance and other services related to quality and smart service.

Hence, selection of the UAE and the Emirates Identity Authority to join the EU consortium was not done by chance, but it was based on a pioneering experience in the field and a result of excellence, innovation, launch of creative projects, strategies and initiatives under the support of the country’s prudent leadership. This has created a global reputation for the UAE while going through such an experience that has become a model for other countries in the world to follow and implement.

Awareness of the threats of cyber attacks


Cyber attacks have become a growing threat for individuals and businesses in recent times, particularly in light of the increasing reliance on modern technology in fields like telecommunications, administration, banking and finance, which are the prime targets for cyber criminals. In this context, the recent report by Symantec, a data and information Security specialized firm, showed that the UAE’s financial losses resulting from electronic attacks totaled AED 1.8 billion in the past 12 months ending in September 2013. 55% of the losses amounting at AED 1.046 billion were the share of individual internet users, while losses of businesses were more than AED 790 million during the same period.

The UAE is among the countries that are highly vulnerable to cyber attacks in the region, especially that it comes at the top in terms of internet usage, adoption of digital technology and e-readiness as part of its drive towards knowledge economy, enablement of digital culture and dissemination of eTransactions across ministries and government entities to keep pace with developments in the modern world. This played role in making the UAE a target for cyber hackers who take advantage of some people’s lack of awareness of the techniques used in the cyber attacks. Those techniques are mainly focused on hacking credit card numbers and bank fraud attempts using sophisticated methods in order to illegally withdraw money by faking certain documents or hacking the bank’s code or PINs of customers’ accounts.

There is no doubt that cyber attacks had negative impacts on individuals and business climate in the UAE. However, what eases the fear is that there are parallel formal and semi-formal movements to provide a more secure space for eTransactions and maintain a digital environment that strengthens trust in these transactions. The UAE’s various government entities have accelerated the adoption of the most sophisticated digital applications and the latest techniques and solutions related to network security in their integrated bases. Moreover, the active efforts by security services and the police are capable of addressing these cyber crimes with a high degree of efficiency and professionalism as they continuously develop and upgrade their physical and technical capabilities and potentials as well as improve their human resources’ performance. They are also keen to keep up with the different technological and electronic developments in the world in relation to combating cybercrimes and Electronic Forensic Science in order to find expertise in the field of information security to address the different types of cyber attacks and swiftly track the attackers.

As individuals are the main targets of cyber attacks in the UAE, it has become very important to work on raising their awareness of the new methods used in electronic fraud and how to combat them. Although the Ministry of Interior launched several awareness-raising initiatives to warn people and companies against such crimes, it is still important for all concerned entities and authorities to participate in increasing public awareness of this phenomenon in order to effectively combat it and eliminate its impacts as much as possible.


A Success Story of the UAE

Oct 21, 2013

The UAE’s digital ID card project has been a successful experience at all levels. It adopts the highest levels of excellence and quality and implements the world’s best practices. This helped make the Authority a reference for many countries and international entities. Highlights in this regard, is the memorandum of understanding recently signed between the Emirates Identity Authority and the United Nations based on which the UN will benefit from UAE’s experience in developing advanced identity programs globally. Under the MoU, Emirates ID and the UN will implement joint initiatives and projects in the field of sustainable development and boost knowledge society on the global level through organizing international conferences and workshops and conducting specialized researches.

There is no doubt that the attention given by the UAE to the digital ID project reflects the priority given to building up the information and statistics sector  in the country’s total development strategy. It also reflects the serious efforts exerted to convert plans, strategies and objectives in this respect into tangible actions on grounds. The progress witnessed by the UAE today requires development of IT and statistics sectors being vital elements linked to the different development plans and strategies.

The digital ID project with its integrated civil electronic biometric database, the world’s largest database within its population register, is very significant as it boosts UAE’s global position, helps achieve the UAE Vision 2021 aiming for UAE to become one the best countries in the world and contributes in realizing the objectives of the comprehensive and sustainable development. The database, standard procedures and comprehensive and accurate information provided by the project should help the country’s institutions and entities to organize their policies and set up their various plans that require availability of a highly authenticated information, particularly those related to workforces and demography, keeping up to the requirements of economic development and its plans in various sectors.

The Emirates Identity Authority has become a model for excellence and success. It  has won several local and international awards and certificates in recognition of its successes and innovations in the smart identity and information security fields. Among the awards was the ‘BIZZ 2013 Award’ granted annually by the World Confederation of Business in appreciation for its role in establishing a modern population database for the UAE that supports streamlining services of both public and private sectors. Emirates ID has also won the ‘Quality Achievements Award’ granted by the European Society for Quality based in Switzerland, and the ‘ICT Leadership Award’, part of the Middle East Business Leaders Summit and Awards during the 4th edition of the Middle East Business Leaders Summit and Awards 2013 held in Abu Dhabi. In September 2013, His Highness General Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of the UAE and Chairman of Emirates ID, received, on behalf of Emirates ID, 3 ISO certificates issued by the British Standards Institution: (ISO 9001 – Quality Management System), (ISO 27001 – Information Security Management System) and (The International Customer Service Standard TICSS).

Creativity and Leadership


The UAE under the leadership of President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan (may Allah save him) is distinguished by its ongoing quest to excel and pioneer in all areas. Therefore, the UAE always promotes the culture of excellence, creativity and innovation as a methodology of work at all government institutions across the country.

To this extent, His Highness Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Culture, Youth and Community Development, said in his speech launching the “Abu Dhabi Entrepreneurship Forum (ADEF) 2013”: “the UAE boasts of possessing all the elements of pioneering and is committed to providing a general climate that encourages leadership, initiative and innovation and brings growth and progress the entire nation”. ADEF was recently organized by “Khalifa Fund for Enterprise Development” under the patronage of His Highness General Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces.

Today, the UAE realizes that establishing a society based on innovation and creativity has become a must in order to transform into knowledge economy and achieve the goals of the comprehensive and sustainable development, while also achieving excellence and leadership in all areas regionally and globally. For that reason, UAE adopted several initiatives to encourage creativity and innovation, particularly setting up the Technical Innovation City in Abu Dhabi, with support from His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, to be a center for education, research and technology transfer. Besides, the UAE government sponsored a number of awards to encourage research and creativity, such as the “Young Emirati Innovators” Award, the Patent Award, and “Zayed Future Energy Prize”, the biggest prize worldwide which targets development of innovative solutions to create sustainable energy future. This complements the big attention given by the UAE government to scientific research based on innovation and creativity aiming to prepare national cadres possessing the tools of modern knowledge and capable of utilizing these tools to serve the objectives of development in all sectors.

The UAE’s keen interest to build up a society of innovation and creativity has become a tangible reality whose positive results began to reflect in its excellence in the global competitiveness indexes. According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report (2013-2014) issued in September 2013, UAE was ranked 19th overall on the Global Competitiveness Index beating many advanced countries such as France, Ireland and Australia. On some key sub-indexes the UAE was among the top countries in the world, where it ranked 1st in roads quality, absence of organized crimes and containment of the effects of inflation.

The report clearly showed that for the eighth consecutive years the UAE has maintained its presence among the “Creativity-and-Innovation-based Economies); the highest growth level of global economies.

The progress that has been achieved by the UAE in this field resulted from the adoption of creativity and innovation methodology by government institutions across the country. In this context, the ‘Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research’ (ECSSR) played an outstanding role in promoting the culture of creativity and innovation through its various activities and events. ECSSR has organized last month the 4th Education Annual Conference titled “Future of Education in the UAE: Innovation and Knowledge Production’. The conference addressed the relationship between innovation-based education and the development process. H.E. Dr. Jamal Sanad Al Suwaidi, Director General of ECSSR, stressed that the new pillars of today’s economy rely heavily on science and innovation.. The society that produces knowledge and use it to serve the development process is the one to prevail on the world’s competitiveness map.

UAE’s Stability stems from Cohesion between its Leadership and People


“Akhbar Al-Sa’ah” bulletin highlighted UAE’s keenness to consistently and directly communicate with its citizens, pay attention to their views and ideas and learn about their needs in order to achieve the interaction and cohesion that should lead to security and stability in the country.

In its editorial entitled “Cohesion between leadership and people is the source of stability”, the bulletin referred to the statement of His Highness Lt.-General Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior and Vice-Chairman of the Emirates Identity Authority, when he said that the unique cohesion between the prudent leadership and the UAE people is the cornerstone of the unique stability, security and welfare enjoyed in the UAE today under the leadership of President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Sheikh Saif made his remarks in a lecture on national security at the National Defence College in Abu Dhabi.

The bulletin, issued by the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, clarified that the creative interaction between UAE’s leadership and citizens is one of the key characteristics of the country since its inception.

Over the past decades, this cohesion was the protecting fence to UAE’s unity experience and the solid basis for realizing miraculous achievements in the different fields of development. UAE’s wise leadership is always keen, since the days of late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan to directly communicate with its citizens, listen to their views and ideas and keep their doors open to them. No barriers between the leadership and people exist and no obstacles to hinder their interaction and cohesion, which is a live and practical embodiment of the meaning of democracy and the philosophy behind its objectives.

The bulletin added that the model given by our wise leadership in its relationship with the citizens has been protecting UAE’s safety and stability. It has been making the UAE’s society immune against any infiltration attempts by any extremist groups whatever their theme may be and whichever pretexts they may hide behind in order to achieve their suspected objectives that have nothing to do with the society’s values and beliefs.

The bulletin went on saying that the UAE is moving ahead towards the future full of confidence that it had established a correct and strong political and social structure, and with absolute faith that any attempts to trigger chaos in the society will fail in front of the deeply rooted belonging and loyalty Emiratis carry to their country, their full allegiance to their leadership and the values of tolerance, integration and moderation they believe in and which are being promoted and consolidated by the wise leadership’s sayings and deeds.

The article referred to the recent statements by the Secretary General of the GCC, Dr. Abdullatif Al Zayani, when he emphasized that the spirit of tolerance, love and moderation which characterizes Gulf societies, particularly in the UAE, had given them the ability to protect their countries and preserve their achievements.

The editorial concluded that the UAE adopts a comprehensive vision of the national security with citizen as its core because the citizen is a partner in building and protecting this security and is its main target. This stems from the pivotal position and utmost priority given to citizens by the prudent leadership in their policies, plans, current and future visions in a framework of the stage of empowerment launched by His Highness, the President, in 2005. The goal of the stage of empowerment is the creation of innovative environment to enable people to acquire the necessary elements of power in order to increase their participation and contribution to the various social, political, economic, and intellectual aspects of life.

It is Not Just a Card


Some people look at the ID card as an addition to their swollen wallet or card book. They forget, however, that the ID card is the most important method to prove their identity and protect their data against any misuse, and thus they have to keep their ID cards safe, update any changes to their data and instantly report in case of loss. Those people need to think about the great efforts that are concerted in order to provide them with their ID cards within a broader national strategic vision aimed at enhancing security, stability and prosperity of the country for everyone to enjoy safety wellbeing and welfare.

I’m writing these words while reading details of a court case about a card fraud and identity theft crime published recently in the local media. The story started when two expatriates found an ID card pertaining to European man, and instead of handing it to the nearest center of the Emirates Identity Authority or police station, they kept it and somehow were able to obtain a credit card using it. Then they purchased expensive mobile phones to resell them for lesser prices.

Such cases uncovers banks’ mania to issue credit cards without considering the simplest rules in this respect; which is verification of the identity of those who wish to obtain their facilities. In the past, banks used to follow strict rules in dealing with such aspects, but apparently the strong competition in the market and the desire to attract more customers made them forget the basic operational rules, particularly spreading and boosting trust between both parties involved in the transaction and maintaining the reputation and credibility of the bank. What happened also shows the carelessness of many people about their identity documents and inattention to the misuse of their data by unauthorized people through unsafe methods.

In spite of regular warnings by police departments in this regard, we see many greedy victims easily falling in the hands of professional gangs. Upon receiving a phone call or an email congratulating for winning a million US dollars or alleged inheritance of millions of dollars form the last Central African emperor, you find these victims hastily providing their personal data which will be used by the criminal groups; and the dreaming victims will be surprised having lost all their monies or that their names were used in thefts happened in places that they have never been to. Perhaps the latest data theft case was the one unveiled by Dubai police last Wednesday after which Dubai Police launched new warnings about new fraud and theft methods invented by those gangs. One of the methods is that they offer people to pay their utility bills or traffic fines for half of their values. Another criminal group whose members were arrested yesterday have taken around Dhs. 16 million through credit cards fraud and data theft.

It pays to remind the public that ignorance of laws and consequences of dealing with swindlers and scammers doesn’t free anyone from shouldering the responsibility, particularly in matters relating to paying for government services and many other cases where victims would be ready to partner with such criminals in order to get rich quickly through illegal means.

Today, e-crimes have become a reality in a world which is expanding towards smart applications and e-solutions which are based on personal data, a matter that calls for the highest degrees of alertness. After all; it is not just a card!

Abu Dhabi Among the World’s Top Cities


According to Ipsos MORI’s “Top Cities” survey results, Abu Dhabi has been voted the 2nd world’s best city for business thereby beating many global business centers such as: Hong Kong, Tokyo and London. The survey results also ranked Abu Dhabi as the 4th world’s favorite city winning over the Australian city, Sydney. Ipsos Mori’s global survey covered 48 main cities from around the world competing in the domains of performance, quality and business attraction.

Those results reveal many facts. They reflect, in the first place, the high professional efforts that the UAE prudent leadership exerts in order to achieve such prestigious level in the global competitiveness in terms of service quality, business and sustainable development.

In the second place, the results show that the continuous development and advancement of the Capital Abu Dhabi are evidences of UAE leadership’s clear plan, insightful vision and consistent methodology in areas like development, performance and competitiveness, which in turn helped achieving global competitive positions among the biggest and most renowned business cities in Europe and Asia.

The third fact is that excellence in hosting businesses reflects success in meeting its various requirements; such as: high quality infrastructure, streamlined business practices, law prevalence, security of investments and stability in general, which constitute vital elements in attracting businesses and investments.

This year, UAE had been ranked the best in the world in government efficiency and achieved the highest growth percentage in competitiveness where it ranked the 8th worldwide. Further, it was ranked the 4th in “Economic Performance”, the 1st in “Social Cohesion” and “Attitudes and Values”, the 5th in “Employment” and the 6th in “Management Practices”. Additionally, the UAE has made progress in 19 different indicators to rank in the top-10 most competitive nations in the world.

These rankings came in the Global Competitiveness Yearbook 2013 issued by Switzerland’s International Institute of Management Development. The book is one of the most important global reports aimed to measure competitiveness of countries worldwide.

These solid achievements confirm and recall the statement of H.H. Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the President, may Allah protect him, who said: “we have succeeded to enter the 3rd millennium with more self-confidence and more ability and willingness to positively interact with the global developments, particularly the new global economic system, the revolution in information and communication technology and the openness of markets”.

The achievements also come as an endorsement to the statement of H.H. General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of Armed Forces, who said: “We have big ambitions to realize leading national achievements.. Our country has successfully managed to accomplish great achievements that impressed the world and won its appreciation. Those achievements were marked with the success of the UAE in making a quantum leap on all levels far ahead its lifetime”, stressing that the UAE vision under the leadership of H.H. Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the President, is being materialized in steady wide steps ahead.

Arabic is My Language


The great value of the Arabic language comes from its being the language of the holy Quran and Sunnah. It is the core of Islam and constitutes a part and parcel of it. What gives Arabic a greater importance is that it is the first pillar of thinking because it is considered a pool of knowledge and the main method of communication between all Muslims.

The Holy Quran which Allah revealed in Arabic is considered the greatest miracle of thinking and science. That’s why Arabic has acquired an intrinsic value in the lives of both Arab and Muslim nations. Through Arabic, Arabs and Muslims come close and orchestrate. Arabic is the cultural fortress that protects the nation and its integrity.

Any researcher can discover to what extent this language is connected to the history of this nation and that this connection is a unbreakable, a matter which urged me to write these lines as a reminder of the importance of our Arabic language and its role in our lives whether in the past, the present or the future.

Arabic is one of the Semite broadest languages in terms of the number of Arabic speaking population which exceeds 422 million people. It is widespread globally because Arabs and Arabic speakers are spread all over the world.

When we talk about Arabic and its importance, we must recall the words of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, may Allah protect him, who emphasized on different occasions that “Arabic is a language that we live and it expresses our various conditions.. It is not a perished past nor a history that doesn’t fit our present”, stressing that preserving it is a national, religious and moral responsibility that we should shoulder. H.H. noted in his statements and directives to the government entities that the UAE vision 2021 is aimed at making our country a prominent center of excellence for the Arabic language. This giving country has taken the responsibility to preserve and support the Arabic language urging its people to take care of it and continue their excellence and success in all fields related to it. Preserving the Arabic language and protecting it is an evidence of culture and taste.

Taking care of the Arabic language, protecting it and rooting its love in the hearts of young people is a responsibility of every family, organization, entity and society in general so as to prevent its erosion and to maintain it as a first language for all Emiratis.

Love and pride of the Arabic language will not stop any individual from learning about other cultures and languages. Education is a critical element of modern life; however, it doesn’t mean ignoring our mother tongue because it represents the Arab Nation’s wealth of heritage and the bright future of Arabs. Hence, preserving it is not only an educational task, but it is a moral cause and a noble mission.

Here is a call on all Emirates ID’s employees to use the Arabic language to communicate with each other whether in speech or writing for the benefit of everyone and in order to keep the Authority as an example for all entities as usual.


I will always have love, pride and belonging to my Arabic language.

“Identity Verification Certificate”… Multiple Names


The Emirates Identity Authority offers a wide range of services to its customers from registration in the population register through all services related to the data stored on the ID card smart chip including photo, fingerprints and other sorts of data used to verify and authenticate the cardholder’s identity.

One of the services offered by Emirates ID upon a customer’s request is an ID card profile document, or what is officially called (Identity Verification Certificate). It is a document which includes the information and data stored on the ID card chip which the cardholder might need to either complete various procedures in case of card loss, or to issue a passport for a child registered in the population register.

Seeking to obtain such a document, many customers with different nationalities, dialects and cultures visit Emirates ID. Each of them approach the customer service representatives having in mind some different terms to convey their wish to obtain the identity verification certificate in order to complete their transactions.

The amusing thing is that each customer will call the certificate a different name such as: a certificate, details and data, ID report, old ID card paper..etc. As a result, we have compiled a large number of titles referring to one document, namely the (identity verification) document.

It is our responsibility as front desk employees seeking to satisfy our customers and to draw smiles on their faces, to try to understand our customers’ requests regardless of their languages or dialects in order to provide them with what they need to complete their transactions. This should also help achieve Emirates ID’s 4th strategic objective to establish a service-based organization focusing on achieving goals and upgrading customer service while sustaining excellence-based internal services.


Superior Meanings for Excellence and its inevitability


“Less said, the better”. Hence, the best to start with is to pray Peace Be Upon the great Prophet Mohammad, and then extend gratitude to our dear country and pray to Allah to keep it secure, peaceful and prosperous.

I have read an article by H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Director General of Emirates ID, titled “Our Excellence is Our Duty”. I read the article published in the Discussion Window on the Authority’s website more than once because it incorporates superior values and wonderful meanings and messages of love, belonging and loyalty to our country.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude, at first place, to my organization and then to H.E. the Director General for his great role in encouraging Emirates ID’s employees to achieve excellence and his contributions in clarifying its meaning. As he said, excellence is not a luxury in our lives anymore; it is a duty that we need to exert every effort to achieve in our entire future endeavor.

I always remember Dr. Al Khouri’s first visit to our center during which he conveyed encouraging messages, advices and guidelines to the staff. Those messages played a key role in motivating the employees and urged them to adopt the principles of dedication and devotion to work, and to consistently do their best.

His great words are always in my mind. They’re full of enthusiasm and determination to upgrade the name of our entity towards achieving excellence in all areas locally, regionally and globally; something which we have always knwon about him. Those words reflect a wide knowledge, open mind, great talent and distinguished leadership seeking to make our organization the best among all other local and federal government entities.

One of the advices that is still shining in my mind like a star in a clear sky, is the encouragement of Dr. Al Khouri to the Authority’s employees to complete their higher studies and urging them to excel in both scientific and practical fields. That was a turning point for me.  Inspired by his directives to excel in my studies, I registered to continue my university education, and full of passion to complete my higher education, I have topped my college throughout my study till this date when I’m about to be graduated.

At this point, I have to thank the UAE prudent leadership for providing unlimited support to Emirates ID thereby helping it excel and achieve success after success while serving internal and external customers on the road to materialize its mission to contribute in national and individual security. This is done through promoting the ID card in the UAE, keeping an accurate population register and providing innovative electronic services.

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