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Page last updated on : 18/04/2023 - 4:30 pm

Customer Happiness Center – Ras Al Khaimah participates in the “Bridges of Goodness” campaign

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The employees of the Customer Happiness Center – Ras Al Khaimah participated in the “Bridges of Goodness” campaign organized by the Emirates Red Crescent Authority, within the framework of the UAE’s humanitarian support for those affected by the earthquake in Syria and Turkey.
The campaign witnessed a great and rapid response from the Center’s employees and all segments of Emirati society, and it reflected a remarkable solidarity on the part of the Center’s employees, which reflects the Emirati values of giving and solidarity with the peoples of the world during crises, emergencies and natural disasters.
The employees of the Customer Happiness Center – Ras Al Khaimah stressed that participation in this initiative is in response to the call and a humanitarian and patriotic duty, as the employees participated in preparing and packing materials that contribute to meeting the essential needs of those affected by the earthquake, in preparation for sending them to those affected in the areas hit by the quake, in response to the directives of the leadership that urged all segments of society to provide humanitarian needs in order to reduce the repercussions of the conditions experienced by those affected by the earthquake.

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