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Page last updated on : 20/09/2023 - 12:04 pm

The Emirates Academy for Science and Training Receives the 11th Batch of Students

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The Emirates Academy for Sciences and Training of the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security received the 11th batch of students for the first semester of the academic year 2023 – 2024.
The new students were received by H. E. Brigadier-General\Mohammed Saeed Al Ameri, the Director of the Academy and Colonel\Abdul Rahman Al Za’abi, the Deputy Director.
In his welcome speech, Brigadier-General\Mohammed Saeed Al Ameri emphasized that the Academy is always committed to performing its strategic task and academic mission, represented in providing the staff of the Authority and other partners with the specialized sciences, knowledge and skills that enable them to develop their career path and serve the nation, as well as motiving them to continue their university study despite the challenges they may face.
H. E. Brigadier-General\ Al Ameri pointed out that the scientific programs and courses offered by the Academy are designed to meet the needs of the labor market in the UAE and the work environment at the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security, as well as to develop the students’ self-skills and enable them to acquire security knowledge and manage and implement projects and initiatives in accordance with the highest standards of quality and excellence. He noted that the Academy comprises 3 specialized colleges that offer 9 academic programs in security, identity, nationality, human resources and administrative affairs disciplines.
At the end of his speech, Brigadier-General\Mohammed Al Ameri highlighted that the Academy will dedicate the entire of its academic, human, financial and technological potentials to serve the students and provide outstanding educational environment to them. Finally, he wished the new students continued successes and prosperity in their academic journey.

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