This is a service through which a new identity card is issued for the first time.

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A service whereby non-essential data, namely phone number and address, is updated.

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A service through which expired or expiring (within 6 months) identity cards are renewed.

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A service whereby an entry permit is issued for a specific period, either for tourism, visit, or treatment, or to complete the procedures for issuing a work residency or residence for family members.

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It is a service through which a new residence permit is issued

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A Service for renewing residency permits.

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It is a service whereby the issued residence permit is cancelled

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A service through which an establishment card is issued showing the establishment’s data.

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A service through which the facility card is renewed, showing the facility data.

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A service through which the card of government and private establishments operating in free zones is cancelled.

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A service whereby a new statistical registration is issued and family data is issued

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A service through which a statistical record is amended and family data is updated.

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It is a service by which a passport is issued for the first time to an Emirati citizen

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It is a service by which a passport that is about to expire or has expired is renewed

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