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Page last updated on : 18/05/2022 - 2:08 pm

Golden Visa


Cabinet Resolution No. (8) of 2021 regarding the regulation of Golden Visa

Article ( 1 )


In implementing the provisions of this resolution, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings indicated next to each of them, unless the context of the text requires otherwise:

Terminology Definition
Country/State United Arab Emirates
ICP Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship, Customs and Port Security
The specialized Authority Any of the federal or local authorities in the UAE
Foreigner Anyone who does not have the Citizenship of the UAE
Investor The foreigner who invests his money in the country to achieve gains or returns
Entrepreneurs The foreigner who owns an economic project of a technical or future nature based on risk and innovation, in accordance with the controls referred to in this decision
Outstanding Specialised Talents A foreigner who possesses superiority, skill, leadership, or outstanding talent in the fields of science, knowledge, or various sports and other fields
Outstanding Students A student who graduated from high school or from the university who obtained the grades described in this decision.

Article ( 2)

Scope of Agreement

1. The decision shall apply to foreigners of the following categories:

  • Investors
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Specialized talents and researchers in various fields of science and knowledge.
  • Outstanding students with promising scientific capabilities.

2. The residency granted to the groups referred to the Decision is called the Golden Visa

For more Info:

Golden Visa Files

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