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Page last updated on : 02/11/2022 - 4:17 pm

Workshop on “Jobs of the Future” at Ras Al Khaimah Customer Happiness Center

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As part of the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security efforts to foresee the future, the Customer Happiness Center in Ras Al Khaimah held an awareness-raising workshop on “Jobs of the Future” with the aim of educating employees and customers about the jobs and skills required in the future.

The workshop was organized in coordination with the Higher Colleges of Technology in Ras Al Khaimah. Dr. Samia Al Kouki, Assistant Professor of Computer and Information Sciences at the Higher Colleges of Technology, gave a lecture on the features of jobs of the future, employment trends and tools to be used, in addition to the skills required in jobs of the future.

The workshop aimed at educating employees and customers on future developments in the labor markets and how to adapt to these developments, and meet the needs of future labor markets, by identifying a set of basic skills that should be acquired and practiced to enable homogeneity and harmony within the rapidly changing global work environments.

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