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Page last updated on : 29/05/2023 - 8:52 pm

“The Federal Authority for Identity, Nationality, Customs and Ports Security” reviews its efforts to promote human rights

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The Federal Authority for Identity, Nationality, Customs and Ports Security participated in the delegation of the United Arab Emirates participating in the forty-third session through the team concerned with the universal periodic review of human rights of the United Nations.
The meetings of the group on the universal periodic review of human rights are a global platform that provides an opportunity for the exchange of views and experiences among all members of the United Nations, the selection of best practices for the promotion and protection of human rights and their advancement within the framework of a global dialogue in the field of promotion and protection of human rights and the presentation of a group of related publications According to the targeted groups and axes, such as the rights of women, children, people of determination, the elderly, and combating human trafficking.

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