Emirates Academy for Identity and Citizenship launches “Kafa’a” smart program

Friday 18 November 2022

The Emirates Academy for Identity and Citizenship has officially launched the “Kafa’a” smart program, the first of its kind in the UAE. The program includes automation of all procedures related the training process, plans, workshops and courses approved by the Academy, something that supports the decision-making process and ensures the quality of the training programs that are implemented.
This came during the meeting of the Advisory Council of the Academy, which was held under the chairmanship of His Excellency Major General Khamis Mohammed Salem Al Kaabi, Director General of Support Services at the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security, Chairman of the Council, and with the attendance of Colonel Mohammed Saeed Al Ameri, Professor Mohammed El Emine Al Boushra, Professor Abdullah Abu Nimaa , members of the Council, Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al Ali, member of the Advisory Board, and Lieutenant Hind Ali Musabah Sherar Al Ali, Rapporteur of the meeting.
On this occasion, His Excellency Major General Khamis Al Kaabi said that the launching of the Kafa’a Smart Program to manage the training process at the Academy is an important step that embodies the directions of the wise leadership of the UAE regarding digital transformation and e-government, and it also achieves the strategic objectives of the Academy by automating the processes and managing data professionally in a way that enhances the Academy’s ability to analyze data and make the right institutional and training decisions.
His Excellency stressed the keenness of the Authority and the Academy to provide its employees and strategic partners with knowledge and new technologies and raise their practical and scientific competencies through innovation and adoption of new systems and programs, and the completion of operations according to advanced institutional systems that enhance the leadership of the Authority and its institutions and support the competitiveness and leadership of the UAE regionally and internationally.
His Excellency Major General Khamis Al Kaabi explained that the smart Kafa’a program is characterized by many procedural, technical and technical characteristics that facilitate the process of digital transformation in the field of training and specialized education. And as the program is the first of its kind at the country level, it would enable the Academy to manage the training process electronically in all its stages and with high efficiency, starting from identifying training needs and ending with measuring the impact and training decisions, in a way that supports the process of collecting and analyzing training data and measuring the level of training efficiency, and it would enable the Academy to put and prepare training plans and make the right decisions.
His Excellency stressed that the process of developing systems, programs and institutional processes at the Authority and the Academy is a continuous strategic direction within the framework of the strategic plan of the Authority and Academy to foresee the future and to implement the requirements of the next Fifty years Plan and the UAE Centennial 2071.