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Page last updated on : 09/08/2022 - 4:39 pm

ICA trains its employees on “Customer Happiness”


The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, in cooperation with the Prime Minister Office, organized a training program entitled “Customer Happiness” for its employees. The program aims at enhancing their knowledge and developing their abilities, in dealing properly with customers’ needs and fulfilling their requirements in a way that meets customers’ expectations.

The training was held for three days in ICA’s Main Office in Abu Dhabi. It included lectures, training, and interactive workshops for the front office employees in ICA’s various departments and centers. It handled the proper methods for receiving customers and providing the best services, as well as the methods to be adopted to achieve the highest standards of satisfaction.

The program was delivered by Colonel Mohammed Hassan Al Hammadi, the Strategy and Future Department in the Supporting Services Sector.

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