“ICA” Participates in Launching Official e-mail for Entities and Individuals in the State

Sunday 8 April 2018

Ministry of Justice announced that the team of Quality, Integrity and Independence of Justice has begun to discuss the project of establishing a unified and mandatory national e-mail for all individuals and entities in the state, in order to approve it beside the telephone number registered with the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, for communication between all local and federal state entities, bodies and individuals.

A report published in the newspapers today stated that the project enables, in the first instance, the judicial authorities in the state to communicate with the cases related persons and its parties, and to use it for judicial serving, in order to speed up the process of serving and ensure its delivery to the parties of the lawsuit and the concerned persons with the possible speed and accuracy, and to speed up the judicial process, insure its integrity, establish justice, independence of the judicial authority, implementation of judicial decisions and the efficiency of the legal framework.

The project will be approved and launched by the TRA in cooperation with ICA and other concerned entities in the State. to read the news in full, please click here