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Page last updated on : 08/09/2020 - 8:58 pm

ICA holds a workshop for its employees on “The Government Excellence System”


ICA has held a workshop for its employees entitled “The Government Excellence System” aimed at introducing them to the detailed technical aspects of the fourth generation of the system, programs, initiatives, and strategies that should be adopted and implemented by all governmental entities to achieve excellence.

The workshop comes as part of the efforts exerted by ICA to develop its services provided to customers, and improve them to be at the seven stars level, seeking to support the government prevailing innovative trends, and contribute efficiently to achieve competitiveness and strengthen UAE status as a global leader.

The participants in the 2-day workshop, attended by ICA’s directors of departments and units, were briefed about the key pillars of the system: vision, enablers, and innovation focusing on achieving the national agenda targets, following the strategy, work system governance, and competence, and human resources, in addition to innovation and future outlook.

The workshop has also stressed the importance of the constant development of initiatives, programs, and work systems adopted by ICA, as well as its operations, services, and policies. This can be achieved through creative ideas and innovative methods based on learning from the best local practices in various areas, ensuring optimal implementation. This catalyzes promoting and enhancing excellence to improve the quality of the services provided to ICA’s customers in conformity with the system objectives.

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