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Page last updated on : 03/11/2020 - 8:33 am

ICA Chairs a Committee for preparing the General Policy for Transit Visas


UAE cabinet has adopted the establishment of a temporary committee chaired by ICA to prepare a general policy for transit visa in UAE in order to enhance the tourism sector and enrich the economic activity in UAE through granting transit passengers the chance to know UAE attractions and promote the state’s unique tourism product.

This step aims at studying the impact of granting transit visa on promoting tourism and economy through facilitating airport exit for large number of transit tourists.

The Emirati experience is distinguished in UAE aviation sector as one of the most successful international models. The sector has made a quantum leap, which has enabled it to head many of the international indicators in a short period.

Last year, the number of transit passengers in UAE airports amounted to 70% out of the total number of passengers. Studies indicate the possibility of making use of such massive percentage through providing facilitations on visit visa and tourism services for them.

The Committee is to prepare a general policy on the transit visa in UAE, including visa fees, mechanisms of increasing the number of users and studying the related consequences in order to enhance the transit traveler’s experience and promote tourism in UAE.

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