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Page last updated on : 14/03/2021 - 5:27 pm

General Directorate for Residency and Foreigners Affairs – Sharjah Honors Innovative and Inspirational Employees


At the conclusion of the “UAE Innovates Week 2021” events, His Excellency Brigadier/Aref Mohamed Al Shamsi, Executive Director of the General Directorate for Residency and Foreigners Affairs – Sharjah honored the inspirational and innovative employees who proposed creative, productive ideas as well as realistic and practicable solutions. This recognition will motivate them to move forward for adopting the innovative & creative thinking in addition to developing the services delivery mechanisms and promoting the working environment. H. Excellency Brigadier Al Shamsi paid tribute to the achievements accomplished by the employees and he urged them to faithfully exert more efforts while performing their own tasks.

This recondition indicates that the Authority for Identity and Citizenship “ICA” is highly committed to celebrating the distinguishing, innovative employees for enhancing the culture of creativity and innovation in pursuit of achieving its strategic goals.

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