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Page last updated on : 23/02/2021 - 9:07 pm

85% is Customer Satisfaction with EIDA’s Communication Channels


According to an opinion survey conducted by Emirates Identity Authority on its website (85.6%) of the customers are satisfied with the communication channels provided by the authority to the customers with the aim of enabling them to communicate with the authority at different times and under different circumstances.

The survey encompassed 9000 participants and 922 followers, of which 9.74 expressed their satisfaction with the channels the authority offers, while 4.67 of the participants were neutral towards the question asked by the authority in the survey.

Additionally, the authority stressed its keenness on employing multiple channels as social media and other global electronic platforms to promote its services related to ID cards and meet the requirements of the customers, highlighting the fact that the authority provides 12 communication channels with its customers, 3 of which are available 24/7: call centers, website live chats, and its help page on Twitter “EmiratesID_help”, along with social media channels which are followed by over 492000 persons.

The authority affirmed their constant work on improving and upgrading its communication channels, with the aim of promoting the services offered to the customers and developing the bilateral means of communication. This is achieved through utilizing the diverse traditional, electronic and smart channels to fulfill the customers’ needs, checking the issues or obstacles they may face and solving them via the channels they prefer in a time / effort-saving manner.

In this context, the authority called its customers to submit their suggestions and opinions concerning the different services the authority offers through the various available means, including the communication channels or the “leave your comment” feature on its website , and to propose channels that help promoting the communication with the authority. The authority, on the other hand, stresses that it will make sure to study all the propositions and apply what would help boost the services offered for the customers and their satisfaction.

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