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Page last updated on : 08/09/2020 - 7:19 pm

UAE Grants One-Year Residency Visa to Nationals of Countries Affected by Wars and Disasters


“UAE will always be the harbor and destination for those seeking stability and reassurance,” Al Shamsi stresses.Al Rashidi calls upon nationals of countries included in the Decree to take the best advantage of it.

Nationals included in the Decree shall be exempted from accumulated fines.

H.E. Ali Mohammed Bin Hammad Al Shamsi, Chairman of ICA’s Board of Directors, commended the Cabinet Decree that would grant a one-year residency in UAE to citizens of countries afflicted by wars and disasters. The Decree reflects the sense of solidarity championed by UAE towards its fellow human beings and the support given until their conditions improve or have a chance to return to their home countries.

The Decree, which was cleared earlier in a cabinet meeting, would allow citizens of countries affected by wars or natural calamities to obtain a one-year residency visa regardless of their residency conditions during a renewable period from August 1 to October 31, 2018. Meanwhile, violators will be exempted from paying any accumulated fines.

The recent Decree conforms to the constant endeavors exerted by UAE to bolster its position as an incubator and destination for all peoples around the globe; a good land that stands a second homeland for all nationalities from various spectra. This would accordingly comply with UAE’s approach to help the needy and the vulnerable worldwide.

Al Shamsi highlighted that this Decree reflects values of giving progressed by the UAE towards the disaster-stricken and displaced people together with the needy and vulnerable fellow human beings regardless of color, race, or religion. UAE, nevertheless, has always believed in respecting the sacred rights of man to enjoy a decent life, along with the sanctity of blood, money, and honor of all human beings. This is patent through UAE’s ongoing efforts to relieve the suffering of the poverty-stricken and the afflicted, whilst providing any necessary aids for the neediest groups.; thus leaving milestone marks that would accentuate the noble values, morals, and hospitality championed by the UAE wise leadership and nationals at large. UAE would hence take a frontline role in accomplishing prosperity and happiness for the human race.

Moreover, Al Shamsi added that UAE will always remain the harbor and haven for those seeking stability and reassurance, and those wishing to lead a decent and dignified life. UAE will continue in its path of giving and devotion for the sake of humankind; rushing to relieve the afflicted based on the deeply-rooted principles laid down by the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, whose name had been always collocated with endless giving while striving to spread peace and safeguard people’s lives and dignity.

“The courageous and Arab nationalist figure of Sheikh Zayed would have never spared any effort towards his fellow brethren and neighbors, always undertaking responsibility urged by the human values of chivalry along with the principles of truth and justice deeply instilled within him,”
H.E Al Shamsi continued stressing the efforts of the late founding father in providing aids and help for the needy all over the world, as well as immediately answering the call of duty and not averting the magnitude of responsibilities to be undertaken in this regard.

H.E Al Shamsi added that UAE, presided by H.H Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, resembles the homeland of happiness, a destination for seekers of dignified lives, the fertile soil for the stranded people, and the thriving oasis and refuge for those stricken and afflicted by injustice, ruthless conflicts, and bitter wars. UAE will maintain steady strides towards wider and proper prospects, being a beacon guiding the path of those striving for the respect of human dignity and prosperity.

H. E. Brigadier Saeed Rakan Al Rashidi, ICA’s Acting Director of the General Directorate of Foreigners Affairs and Ports, urged the citizens granted the one-year residency visa by virtue of the Cabinet Decree to take the best advantage of it, by applying for ICA’s customer happiness centers across UAE to rectify their status.

“Granting the citizens of some countries suffering from wars and disasters like Yemen, Syria, and Libya a one-year residency visa would allow them to benefit from health and education services provided by the state for both UAE nationals and residents, especially educational services for siblings and medical services for the elderly,” said Al Rashidi in an interview with Sky News Arabia.

Al Rashidi pointed out that the said Decree exempts citizens of included countries from accumulated fine that might be due from violations while facilitating the procedures of obtaining a one-year visa till finding a proper job within the UAE or returning to their home countries once the situations are safe and stable.

“An enlightened and humanitarian Decree,” Al Rashidi described the Cabinet Decree stressing UAE’s leading roles in providing help and relief for its Arab fellows together with the sense of solidarity towards all peoples. Al Rashidi also stressed the facilitation provided by the UAE to legalized their stay, confirming that this Decree allows the citizens of those countries to rectify their status and find a suitable job to lead a dignified and stable life.

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