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Page last updated on : 16/10/2020 - 2:11 pm

UAE adopts a 5-year tourist visa system


The United Arab Emirates is always taking the lead in issuing laws, legislations, and procedures that enhance its position internationally and support the tourism sector in the State.

From this standpoint, the UAE Cabinet’s Decree approved the change of the tourist visa system for all nationalities to make the tourist visa valid for five years, provided that the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship would implement this Decree.

His Excellency Ali Mohamed Al Shamsi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, commented on the Decree by saying that our wise leadership has always committed to updating the laws and legislation to keep pace with the global development in a way that contributes to strengthening and advancing the national economy in general and the tourism sector, especially with the approach of the important global event of organizing the Expo 2020 Exhibition, which is considered one of the major global events organized by the State with its advanced capabilities and sustainable development at all systems and levels, as the UAE was chosen on the basis of its ability to organize such large and significant activities that strengthen the important role of UAE.

His Excellency concluded his statement by saying that the United Arab Emirates is a State of Law and Justice with more than 200 nationalities in which they live in harmony, love, and tolerance and receive more than 21 million tourists annually. These measures cement and consolidate the UAE position as a major global tourist destination.

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