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Page last updated on : 06/10/2020 - 3:29 pm

The Nationality Executive Affairs Board reviews the results of Mystery Shopper and Performance Indicators


Today’s morning, the Executive Affairs Board of the General Directorate of Nationality of ICA held a meeting chaired by Brigadier General Suhail Al Khaili, Acting Director-General of Nationality, in the presence of Brigadier General Khalifa Balquba Al Humairi, Executive Director of Personal Status and Passports Department and a number of departments’ directors at the Headquarters of the General Directorate of Nationality.

In its 11th meeting in 2019, the Board discussed a number of issues including, the results of Mystery Shopper of the General Directorate of Nationality for 2019, and Performance Indicators of the Directorate, with a view to providing the best services to customers to ensure the ease and simplicity of procedures and to save time and effort. The Board further discussed the other issues of its agenda and to took related appropriate decisions.

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