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Page last updated on : 23/02/2021 - 9:48 am

The Ministry of Social Affairs Honors EIDA for its Excellent Contribution in Community Development


The Ministry of Social Affairs honored the Emirates Identity Authority in recognition of its presence and excellence in terms of community development and contribution to the society welfare and development and its commitment to social responsibility.

Eng. Nasser Al Mazroui, Executive Director of the service centers operation in EIDA, received a certificate of appreciation from H.E. Mariam Bint Mohammed Khalfan Al Roumi, Minister of Social Affairs during the Emirates Social Award ceremony launched by the ministry several years ago to honor the great efforts and the good work that have a direct impact on people’s lives and result in a quantum leap in their lifestyle.

In her speech at the award ceremony, Al Roumi commended the policy pursued by the UAE, which is based on investment in human to develop and enable him, and the UAE keenness to integrate the vulnerable categories, meet their needs, build their capacity and develop their potentials to achieve their social justice and protection.

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