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Page last updated on : 10/08/2022 - 8:33 am

The female employees of Statistics and Archives Department in the “Nationality” visit a female colleague in the hospital


Thursday 31 January 2019

A delegation of the female employees from the Department of Statistics and Archives at the General Directorate of Nationality in the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship visited their female colleague Maryam Mohammed Ali, who is lying on the healing bed at Cleveland Clinic in Abu Dhabi following a health problem.

The delegation rest assured about the health of the female employee Maryam, wishing her speedy recovery and returning to her work and conveyed to her the greetings of Brigadier General Suhail Jumaa Al Khaili, Acting Director-General of Nationality Affairs in the Authority and her colleagues in the Department, and their wishes of speedy recovery and safe return to her families and work.

For her part, the female employee thanked the General Directorate of Nationality Affairs and the delegation, and their initiative, which promotes empathy and positive communication and reflects the spirit of sisterhood among the employees of the Authority.

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