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Page last updated on : 11/07/2021 - 9:05 am

the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) Honoured an Employee for Obtaining a PhD…


Colonel Sultan Mohamed Al Mari, Director of HR Department of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) has Honoured Mohsen Nasser Al Harethi, head of HR Planning section for obtaining his PhD degree in administration from Lincoln University College, Malaysia.
Al Mari praised Al Harethi’s efforts and effective role in developing the performance of the HR department in general and the HR Planning section in particular, wishing the employee more success and progress on the professional and academic level. Al Mari stressed that the HR department is keen on honouring its staff who obtain higher academic degrees given that academic progress is a crucial part of professional progress.
Al Mari added that paying tribute to outstanding employees encourages and stimulates all the staff to work on both self-development and academic development, which will eventually enhance the quality of work and efficiency of performance.
At the end of the event, Colonel Al Mari awarded Al Harethi a shield given by the HR Department in recognition of his excellence and efforts.

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