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Page last updated on : 06/10/2020 - 6:58 am

The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship Applies the Remote Work System Through Smart Services


The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship begins applying the remote work system through the application of smart services and new systems introduced by ICA in its operations.

The application of the new system comes in line with the vision of ICA’s leadership and in implementation of the government’s directions towards activating the remote work system, using the advanced technical system in order to ensure the smoothness of work and increase productivity and efficiency of procedures and to enhance the series of preventive measures that were directed by the government to follow in order to preserve the safety and health of employees.

It is worth noting that ICA seeks to utilize the technology in developing the internal work environment and using the best means and technologies to ensure the provision of services and transactions in accordance with the highest international standards.

ICA intends to measure the impact of the application of the remote work system by measuring employee productivity, outputs’ quality, and accuracy through the remote work governance system.

ICA also stressed that a remote work system contributes to achieving employee well-being, improving the work environment, increasing employee productivity, and strengthening family relationships by improving the balance between work and family life

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