The Cabinet approves a New Package of Facilities in field of Residency and Labour

Thursday 14 June 2018

The Cabinet approved today a new legislative package of facilities. It includes legislations to review the current residency system related to extending the residence duration for two years for those sponsored under the residency of their relatives after graduation. This in turn facilitates things to the students and their parents and allows them to consider their future career options.

The Decree published in the newspapers today includes facilities for visitors or transit travelers, to exempt them from all charges for the first 48 hours, and for only AED 50 for 96 extra hours. This is to achieve flexibility in the procedural systems related to individuals’ entry and reduce the cost of residency in the State.

In the same context and under the package of facilities, the Cabinet approved a decree to give the visa violators the chance to either leave the state without paying fines or modify their residency status without a future ban stamp. The Decree also does not require leaving the State to modify the status of visitors or tourists.

The package of facilities also includes creating job opportunities for those wishing to work in the State and granting a 6-month residency permit free of charges. This, in turn, contributes to enhancing the State’s position as an opportunity provider and a dream achiever, and a destination for thinkers, experts, and job seekers.