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Page last updated on : 16/10/2020 - 11:54 am

“Strategy and Future” organizes two brainstorming sessions on benchmarking and “Partnerships”


Strategy and Future Department in Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship has organized two brainstorming sessions for its employees regarding conducting benchmarking and discussing the strategic partnerships guide aiming at drawing some innovative ideas and creative suggestions in both fields.

Participants in the two sessions, held at the Brainstorming Hall in ICA’s Innovation Center, listened to an explanation by the female employee / Shaikha Al Dhanhani– chief corporate excellence administration officer, and in presence of Major Jamal Al-Khateri, Director of Strategy and Future Department, about the objectives of each session; drawing the attention to the importance of providing innovative ideas concerning the session’s theme which will contribute to achieving excellent results as well as inferencing creative ideas and solutions.

Al Khateri emphasized, during the sessions, on the importance of managing the relationship with partners and its effect on the corporate strategic planning; noting that enhancing and developing the relations with strategic partners will contribute to customer happiness and offer them the best services; which will increase their satisfaction about ICA and its partners.

The two sessions, supervised by Shirina Al Bloushi – Director of Corporate Project Management Office, witnessed discussing plenty of innovative ideas and suggestions by the participants which intend to develop the mechanisms of organizing benchmarking with the excellent entities according to the best practices; the matter which results in improving performance, upgrading work level, and achieving strategic goals.

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