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Page last updated on : 22/12/2022 - 10:11 am

Sharjah Center celebrates National Day with residents of “Old People’s Home” and “Social Care Centre for Children”

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Sharjah Registration Center has participated in the celebration organized by Sharjah Social Services Department at the Old People’s Home of Sharjah based on the keenness of the center’s family on ensuring the participation of all categories of the society in the national events and integrating them into the social and cultural programs, considering that they are an integral part of the nation.

The celebration featured diverse cultural and entertaining parts which were attended by the residents of the Old People’s Home, some of whom told stories from their memories about the inception of the federation and the stages of development, progress and prosperity of the UAE.

Sharjah Registration Center also participated in the celebration organized by the Department of Child Rights Protection and Social Care Centre for Children in Sharjah marking the World Children’s Day to express their pride of the care and attention which the UAE had always given to this category as embodied in the laws and legislation that ensured the child’s rights and dignity.

At the end of both celebrations, Ismael Fadlallah, Director of Dubai and Northern Emirates, Omer Al Maamari, Supervisor of Registration Centers, and a number of Emirates Identity Authority’s directors and employees, gave token gifts and souvenirs to the children of the Social Care Centre and the residents of the Old People’s Home.

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