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Page last updated on : 11/11/2021 - 3:19 pm

Red Crescent Honors EIDA for supporting charity initiatives

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Emirates Red Crescent recognized the Emirates ID Authority for supporting its charity initiatives and projects and humanitarian work and for efforts it made to strengthen the social responsibility and humanitarian partnerships.

This recognition came at the annual ceremony held by the Emirates Red Crescent to recognize the volunteers in different categories for their excellent efforts in serving humanitarian segments at the local and international levels and the public and private entities that have been collaborating with it. Mr. Misbah Obaid Al Mesmari, Executive Director of Corporate and Support Services at Emirates Identity Authority, received the shield of honor and a certificate of appreciation from HE Dr. Mohammad Ateeq Al Falahi, Secretary General of RCA, in presence of EIDA deputy secretaries general and several directors and branches of the state and representatives of the recognizing authorities.

In his speech at the recognition ceremony, Rashid Mubarak Al Mansouri, Deputy Secretary-General for Local Affairs at the ERC, expressed the ERC recognition for all the collaborating entities, which supported the ERC projects that aim to help the weak and the needy and provide relief for war and disaster victims around the globe. This support, he said, makes effective contribution to such projects in order to reach best levels of execution.

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