Ras Al Khaimah Registration Center organizes lecture on breast cancer prevention

Sunday 30 October 2011

The Ras Al Khaimah Registration Center, in co-operation with the Ministry of Health, organized an awareness lecture on breast cancer prevention as part of its keenness on participating in the events of the national breast cancer awareness campaign launched by the ministry last week under the slogan “Early Detection Saves Lives”.

During the lecture, which was held at the Center’s lecture hall the day before yesterday, Dr. Karima Jassim from the Ministry of Health affirmed that early detection of breast cancer helps recovery from the disease by around 90 per cent in most cases.

She noted Ras Al Khaimah Registration Center’s initiative for organizing this lecture, highlighting the importance of the national campaign and its effects on protecting women from the most common cancers by enhancing health awareness and culture through having access to all the information related to the disease and its development as well as the affecting factors, means of early detection and possible prevention ways.

Guidance brochures and booklets were distributed on the attendees in addition to some sweets prepared by the Center’s female employees which were decorated with the campaign’s slogan.