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Page last updated on : 09/08/2022 - 4:15 pm

Ras Al Khaimah Center organizes an initiative in interaction with Innovation Month


Tuesday 12 February 2019

ICA’s Customer Happiness Center in Ras Al Khaimah organized an initiative titled “Innovation Corner”, in interaction with UAE Innovation Month, in order to strengthen the creativity and innovation culture of the Center’s employees and customers.

The “Innovation Corner” initiative included the creation of a mini platform at one of the corners of the customer waiting for hall, which contains computers, to enable employees to browse the official website of the Authority and to view the events and activities organized by the Authority in interaction with the UAE Innovation Month, and to encourage visitors customers to participate in the bank of creative ideas offered by the Authority to its audience to send their ideas and creative suggestions, and to introduce them to the competitions launched by ICA in conjunction with this event

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