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Page last updated on : 31/01/2022 - 12:50 pm

Raffles and prizes for the public at football sevens

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The First Ramadan Tournament’s Football Sevens, which is organized by the Emirates Identity Authority on Zayed Sports City’s grounds, Abu Dhabi, continued with its matches being based on the knockout system.

In the second day matches, which were held yesterday (Monday), Al Suqoor team defeated the Samba team 7-2 and the experience of the winning players was significantly behind the team’s win. The Blugrana team also pounded the Formula team 5-0.

In a bid to interact with the public who are attending the matches and supporting the participating teams, the organizing committee announced that raffles would be conducted for the public and valuable prizes would be allocated to the winners. This will take effect from the semi final matches to be held at 11pm, Wednesday, August 17, 2011.

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