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Page last updated on : 27/10/2020 - 8:41 am

“Nationality” and “Abu Dhabi Retirement Pension and Benefits Fund” discuss the Ways of Strengthening their Strategic Partnership


The General Directorate of Nationality at the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship and Abu Dhabi Retirement Pension and Benefits Fund discussed the ways of promoting the mutual cooperation and strengthening the strategic partnership between them, which support their endeavors aiming at promoting the services provided to the customers to the best levels.

This came when HE Brigadier General Suhail Gomaa Al Khaili, Acting Director-General of Nationality, welcomed HE Khalaf Abdullah Rahma Al Hamadi, Director General of the Fund and the accompanying delegate. Both parties discussed signing a mutual memorandum of understanding to exchange information and electronic linking, which enable them to update data of customers instantly. The matter which effectively contributes to facilitating and simplifying procedures in addition to minimizing the steps required to accomplish the required service.

Both parties confirmed, during the meeting, their keenness to create new means to serve the citizens in line with the approach of the leadership of the State, which focuses on making people happy, by exchanging information that supports their abilities of decision making and strategic planning depends on accurate data, which contributes to the community development and serving the best interest of the State.

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