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Page last updated on : 06/01/2022 - 9:48 am

National Election Committee hails cooperation of Diwans of Their Highnesses the Rulers

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His Excellency Dr Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Federal National Council (FNC) Affairs, and Chairman of the National Election Committee, has hailed the overwhelming response to the NEC’s interactions with the Diwans of Their Highnesses the Rulers of the Emirates on speeding up the electoral process in the UAE.

Speaking at a meeting in Dubai with the heads of the committees from the emirates, Dr Gargash said the Diwans of Their Highnesses the Rulers have unanimously underlined the importance of the election process. Competent and experienced members have been chosen to the committees by the Diwans, which will reflect positively on managing the elections effectively and efficiently.

The formation of the Emirates Committees is part of finalising the organisational structure of the Election Management Committee. NEC has been mandated to form committees in each emirate in coordination with the Diwan of His Highness the Rulers of the respective emirate. The Emirates Committee in each emirate must include representatives from the Diwan of His Highness the Ruler, Municipality, Police and two prominent community members.

Dr Gargash said that the committees have been formed in line with the directives of the leadership to ensure representation of all relevant authorities and to uphold the UAE’s pioneering initiatives in inviting public participation.

The meeting discussed the responsibilities of the committees and tasks assigned to them for the smooth and successful conduct of the electoral process.

Dr Gargash said the Emirates Committees are a vital link between the National Election Committee, local authorities and members of the Electoral College. He also stressed the importance of increasing the strength of the Electoral College.

The Emirates Committee in each emirate coordinates with the Election Management Committee, regarding technical and administrative matters relating to the electoral process in each emirate.

The committees are also responsible for the receipt of forms for the election process and making them available at their locations, selecting voting centers in each emirate, forwarding nomination forms to the Election Management Committee after ensuring its accuracy and monitoring the election campaign in the respective emirates. The Emirate’s Committee is also in charge of receiving appeals and verifying them before submitting them to the Election Management Committee.

“The UAE represents a successful model of development, with various economic and social indicators pointing to us as one of the best countries in the world. We have to maintain what we have achieved over the years, while advancing political participation and contributing to our stability and sustainability,” said Dr Gargash.

The National Election Committee (NEC) includes sub-committees such as the Emirates Committee in each emirate, Election Management Committee and the Media Security Committee.

The meeting was attended by His Excellency Tariq Hilal Lootah, Undersecretary of the Ministry of State for Federal National Council Affairs and a member of the National Election Committee.

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