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Page last updated on : 23/12/2022 - 4:01 pm

Microsoft Vice President of Public Sector commends Emirates Identity Authority’s projects and advanced systems

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Microsoft International’s Vice President of Public Sector NielsSoelberg has commended the Emirates Identity Authority’s projects, systems and initiatives aimed at developing a secure and integrated infrastructure for proving personal identity in the UAE, keeping a precise population register and providing innovated electronic services.

Soelberg affirmed Microsoft’s quest to build a strategic partnership with the Emirates Identity Authority so as to provide it with such technologies to upgrade its technological systems. He announced that Microsoft is fully ready to provide the most advanced technological solutions in the field of maintaining the security and confidentiality of data and confronting the technological challenges related to the management of this type of sensitive projects.

This was announced during a visit paid the day before yesterday by a Soelberg-led high level delegation from Microsoft to the Emirates Identity Authority headquarters in Abu Dhabi where it was received by H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General. The meeting discussed the opportunities of benefiting from the technological solutions provided by the international company which can support the fulfillment of the Emirates Identity Authority’s strategy 2010-2013, vision and mission in the long run.

During the meeting, Al Khouri reviewed the most significant technological projects that are being implemented by the Emirates Identity Authority as part of its strategy aimed at making maximum benefit from the UAE only population register database – once completed – by simplifying the provision of government eServices and easing transactions.

Al Khouri affirmed that the future proposals in the field of government transactions would lead to the development of new patterns in the use of smart cards, which would be used as a major tool for identifying the identity of customers, as the ID card that has high security specifications would be the UAE’s only and most valuable card for identifying the identity of people.

Microsoft directors, on the other hand, made a presentation of the latest advanced technologies in several fields including the single sign-on systems, which entitle system users to identify themselves only once for using all the systems they are authorized to use in the entity they work for.

Microsoft also showcased its innovated technologies with respect to establishing and preparing data centers based on the concept of cloud computing, which is set to be globally adopted and applied to all fields.

Microsoft expressed its readiness to develop software for individual and corporate users to use the ID card for accessing the eServices provided by the UAE government entities through the smart ID card. The company said it is also ready to adopt an initiative to adopt the UAE ID card as a reliable smart card within the environment of the current and future operating systems (Windows 7 – Windows 8), where the ID card will be identified when inserted in the ID card readers automatically without the need to upload any additional software in the operating systems. This, in turn, will enhance the ID card holders’ awareness of the value added to it.

The meeting reviewed a number of government initiatives, which Microsoft is working on including upgrading all operating systems in the federal government entities and how far the use of ID card as a tool for identifying the users of these systems can be beneficial.

The meeting was attended from the Emirates Identity Authority by H.E. Eng. Nasser Al Mazrouei, ICT Executive Director, and ShadiZuraiqat, IT Advisor.

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