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Page last updated on : 09/11/2021 - 5:57 pm

Meeting of supervisors of verification offices

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The third meeting of the supervisors of verification offices, which was held at the Emirates Identity Authority today (Monday), discussed training of supervisors in the new feature of renewal through typing offices.

Ms. Reem Al Radi, Director of Verification Offices, made a presentation in which she explained all the new procedures to be listed soon in the system with respect to renewal and replacement features and registration of VIPs and old people while focusing on the renewal feature currently being activated in the system.

Al Radi replied to the supervisors’ questions and inquiries, which reflected their keenness to keep improving and their interest in carrying on diligent work with the aim of achieving the best results.

The verification supervisors will convey the knowledge they gained from the presentation to all verification administrators who will commence verification of renewal transactions from tomorrow (Tuesday).

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