H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General, has called on the Emirates Identity Authority’s employees to double efforts to upgrade the Emirates Identity Authority-affiliated registration centers to the 7-star category as per the Emirates Government Service Excellence Program issued by the Prime Minister’s Office at the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs.
Al Khouri urged the Emirates Identity Authority’s employees to continue to apply the program’s criteria and methodologies, crystallize their skills and develop their aptitudes with the aim of providing a distinguished government service, enabling the Emirates Identity Authority to place signboards at all its affiliated registration centers demonstrating that the center is of a 7-star category.
While presiding over the regular meeting of the directors of registration centers at Sharjah Registration Center, Al Khouri said: “The Emirates Identity Authority’s participation in the Emirates Government Service Excellence Program comes as part of a stage that the Emirates Identity Authority initiated nearly two years ago to develop and modernize all its affiliated registration centers with the aim of providing qualitative and distinguished services to customers through advanced service points of world-class specifications and standards.”
Al Khouri called for forming various working teams from the employees of the centers which would be tasked with ensuring that the requirements of the Emirates Government Service Excellence Program are fulfilled by the Emirates Identity Authority-affiliated registration centers. This should enable the Emirates Identity Authority to participate effectively in this program, which is aimed at reformulating the concept of providing services in the public sector as per the world’s best standards and in the framework of a customer-centric unique experience that uses innovative methods to provide superb services to customers, he said.
Al Khouri affirmed that the new stage that the Emirates Identity Authority is passing through necessitates all executive directors, directors of centers, heads of sections, supervisors and employees to work in an earnest, systematic way that adopts scientific thinking for its framework, creative ideas for its atmosphere and excellence and innovation for its prospects.
He clarified that development is the responsibility of everybody at the Emirates Identity Authority, reiterating the support of the Emirates ID’s Higher Management of all the development initiatives aimed at upgrading performance and achieving the Emirates ID’s set forth objectives through collective work, which adds to the work-team value and rewards hard-working employees and those of distinguished creative performance.
Al Khouri called for consolidating corporate work at the Emirates Identity Authority, enhancing the channels of communication between the directors of centers and supervisors on one hand and employees on the other and carrying on the process of development based on collective work. He noted that the power of organizations in general lies in their ability to exercise collective and corporate work, which can set up a robust building that contains the ingredients of its survival and the elements of its success.
Underscoring the necessity of dealing with customers’ complaints and comments with utmost seriousness and speed, Al Khouri pointed out that the top responsibility to be shouldered by the employees receiving these complaints is to try to solve them most urgently, honestly and responsibly without any delay. At the same time, these employees should follow up customers’ complaints and ensure that the needs of the complaining customers are met, thereby increasing their satisfaction with the Emirates Identity Authority’s services.
The meeting underlined the necessity to adopt the concepts of social responsibility and consolidate them in the minds of all the Emirates Identity Authority’s employees. The meeting also approved the formation of a number of working teams for both the Emirates Government Service Excellence Program and the preventive medicine project.
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