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Virtual Tour

Page last updated on : 27/10/2020 - 8:48 am

Major General Al Rashidi confirms the Provision of the highest-quality Services for the Pilgrims passing by Ghuwaifat Border Post


Inspects the Preparations to facilitate reception and Departure of Pilgrims

Major General Saeed Rakan Al Rashidi, Director General of Foreigners Affairs and Ports at ICA, inspected the preparations of Ghuwaifat Border Post to provide services to the UAE pilgrims and other pilgrims passing by UAE land to the holy lands. He also inspected the preparations provided by the Center to facilitate the pilgrims’ issues and complete their transactions easily in accordance with the best standards.

During the tour made yesterday, Major General Al Rashidi asserted to the different facilities of the Border Post the importance of welcoming the pilgrims in appropriation of such blessed journey, ensuring the provision of the highest-quality services to the pilgrims, and completing their departure and arrival procedures within a very short time, in addition to provision of all matters that bring joy to their souls and help them in fulfilling their pilgrimage rites comfortably.

Major General Al Rashidi took a tour in the different facilities of the border post, which was equipped with all comfort means, and visited the travelers’ lounges, posts dedicated to the completion of passport procedures, vehicle routes, and other service facilities as needed by the travelers.

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