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Page last updated on : 09/09/2021 - 1:33 pm

Judicial Department- Abu Dhabi Receives a Delegation from ICA


Judicial Department – Abu Dhabi received a delegation from the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship “ICA” chaired by Brigadier Suhail Bin Kaltham Al Khaili, Acting Director General of Identity and Passports, who was accompanied by a group of ICA senior executives. Both sides held a coordination meeting for reviewing and debating over a set of topics of mutual interest along with exchanging the points of view in terms of streamlining the procedures and facilitating the challenges and constraints related to the delivered services in order to enhance the endeavors aimed at achieving the happiness of valued customers.
This meeting is convened with the framework of ICA pursuit to boost the partnership and integration relationships with its diverse governmental partners and stakeholder. Such meetings are aimed at exchanging the experiences, information, and thoughts along with the best practices and opening up future prospects for strengthening the joint cooperation and strategic partnership between both sides.

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