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Page last updated on : 04/04/2022 - 12:53 pm

Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security takes part in Earth Hour

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The Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security took part in the “Earth Hour” event, the most prominent international environmental event in which various entities, institutions and millions of individuals from all over the world contribute within 60 minutes. During that time, electrical appliances and unnecessary lights are turned off to raise awareness about climate change and promote a culture of nature conservation by reducing energy consumption in order to reduce carbon emissions and therefore protect the planet.
The participation of the Authority came as part of national and international efforts aimed at ensuring environmental sustainability by addressing influences and adopting best practices to preserve nature. The initiative was implemented as part of the plans of the General Department of Support Services to achieve institutional goals and enhance social responsibility, especially in the environmental issue by enabling the green applications methodology, introducing qualitative activities, as well as enhancing awareness about the importance of rationalizing energy consumption at the premises and facilities of the Authority at the national level.

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