Ali Mohammed Al Shamsi: The new strategy is a step to develop the work system nationwide in order to build the future
The Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security officially launched its new strategy for the period from 2023 to 2026, during an official ceremony organized by the Authority this morning (Wednesday) in Abu Dhabi, in the presence of His Excellency Ali Muhammad Al Shamsi, Chairman of the Authority, the general managers, the executive directors, the directors of departments and several employees.
The Authority’s new strategy is an important step in the way of developing, unifying and integrating plans, programs and initiatives at the level of identity, citizenship, residence, foreigners’ affairs, customs and port security sectors at the state level in order to build the future, achieve leadership, and implement the directives of the visionary leadership during the annual meetings of the UAE government, in addition to achieving the principles of the year of the Fiftieth and the UAE centenary 2071.
The new strategy embodies the principles and values of government work during the next four years, and at the same time it is a new stage in the stages of institutional government work in the Authority, in addition to that it reflects the aspirations and dreams of the Authority, community members, tourists and visitors to the country in a decent life and to live and reside freely and safely according to standards, system and proactive services that are characterized by integrity, transparency and ease of access.
The Authority’s strategy for the period from 2023 to 2026 includes a single vision and mission and 5 institutional values, which the authority seeks to achieve through 9 strategic goals that include 37 initiatives, all of which aim to develop work in various sectors, improve the level of performance and proactive services provided, and tap into new technologies and applications to provide a comfortable and safe experience for customers and community members.
The new strategy of the Authority aims to raise the level of work in the field of identity, citizenship, residence, customs and ports security to the highest levels and to achieve global leadership in providing services and various work themes, and to establish an advanced and innovative work system in all sectors in a way that enhances the level of security and safety in society and achieves integration between the components of the identity sector, residence and customs at the state level, in addition to supporting government directions in the field of competitiveness, innovation, future foresight, the fourth industrial revolution, and the flow and accessibility of information.
The world is witnessing many variables and escalating challenges at the security, economic and commercial levels, as a result of the geopolitical, security, economic and institutional developments that prevail in many regions of the world, in addition to the high pace of competition between countries of the world for the first positions in the world in competitiveness indicators, which requires foreseeing the future and more cooperation. Joint strategic planning between all components of the identity, citizenship, residency, customs and ports security sectors in the country, according to a common strategy and vision that anticipates the features of the future and identifies its tools and objectives, and the best ways to achieve them.
The Department of Strategy and the Future, in cooperation with the competent departments of the Authority, prepared an accurate study of the current work environment in the Authority, the state and in many countries of the world, within the framework of preparing the new strategy for the Authority. It also identified strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for future improvement, in light of its reading of the directions and aspirations of the wise leadership and its vision of the directions of global governments until 2071. Based on that vision, the vision, mission and strategic objectives of the Authority were defined during the period from 2023 to 2026.
Vision and mission
The Authority’s new vision during the period 2023-2026 provides for “a reliable identity for a pioneering security system that enhances the attractiveness of tourism and facilitates business for a safe society,” while the letter states “providing innovative services to regulate citizenship, passports and identity affairs, entry and residence of foreigners, and the governance of security and customs work at the ports to enhance the security of society and the country’s attractiveness in living, tourism and business facilitation.” The system of values adopted in the new strategy also includes 5 basic values that stem from the values of the federal government and the institutional work environment in the country, which are competitiveness and leadership, integration, happiness and positivity, transparency and integrity, proactivity and institutional flexibility.
Strategic goals
The first objective of the Authority’s during the period 2023-2026 is to achieve integration in the sector and strengthen national and international partnerships to raise the quality of life of individuals and the competitiveness of the country, through the implementation of 4 initiatives which consist in the use of digital transactions (blockchain) in exchanging data with partners, and smart management of facilities, implementing the federal customs bond system, and developing government service packages.
While the second objective provides for building a leading and sustainable global model that adopts modern technologies and digital transformation to ensure readiness and proactive security, through the implementation of 4 initiatives, namely, expanding the use of independent cyber artificial intelligence, developing the residency system, the smart corridor for air and sea ports, and advanced land ports.
The third objective of the Authority’s new strategy is to develop business models and national security competencies that enhance the country’s reputation and competitiveness and reflect its positive image, through the implementation of 3 strategic initiatives: developing the land entry work system, developing K9 security customs inspections, and applying the central customs tariff.
As for the fourth objective, it provides for developing and proposing policies and legislation to raise the quality of life of individuals and enhance the economic attractiveness of the state, through two main initiatives: developing and expanding the scope of use of digital official documents, and expanding the scope of use of the unified digital file.
Protecting demographic data
The fifth objective provides for updating and protecting population data and personal identity to ensure a reliable and secure population registry, through the implementation of two initiatives: the establishment of a digital cyber security operations center, and the qualitative digital transformation of the infrastructure. While the authority seeks, in the sixth goal, to organize customs work and security of ports in the field of security, trade facilitation, relations and partnerships, through 8 initiatives to enhance control, audit and evaluation of customs ports, combat customs evasion, apply and manage the electronic tracking system for trucks and shipments, and manage the customs control and investigation system and customs agencies, managing customs risks, strengthening the system for combating money laundering and financing terrorism and proliferation of weapons in the customs sector, and developing procedures, policies, systems and customs data.
Attracting talent
As for the Authority’s seventh strategic objective, it is to develop an advanced and proactive system for citizens and foreigners’ affairs, which is achieved through two strategic initiatives, namely designing a proactive digital platform and establishing virtual customer happiness centers. In the eighth objective, the Authority seeks to attract, enable and delight the best human talents, and provide efficient and effective institutional services and digital infrastructure, through the implementation of 10 major initiatives that include managing financial resources and procurement efficiently and effectively in accordance with international best practices, applying international best practices in leadership and human resources, and ensuring applying standards of quality and institutional excellence, achieving internal and external communication, developing the strategic plan and measuring performance, providing the best legal services, the latest information technology services, and common services for all organizational units with high efficiency.
Through the ninth and final objective, the Authority seeks to enhance innovation practices based on flexibility, proactiveness and readiness within the work system, through the implementation of two main initiatives: managing institutional innovation and anticipating the future.
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