“Identity and Citizenship” launches the “Morning of Innovation” competition

Wednesday 1 February 2023

The Strategy and Future Department of the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security launched, on the morning of the first day of February 2023, an internal competition for the Authority’s employees at the state level, entitled “Morning of Innovation”, with the aim of establishing a culture of innovation and increasing knowledge and innovative culture among the Authority’s employees.
The competition was launched in conjunction with the launch of the activities of the month of innovation “UAE Innovates 2023” at the level of the UAE, with the participation of federal and local government agencies and private sector institutions, as part of the various activities of the Authority that will be implemented by the various departments of the Authority throughout the month of February in all the UAE emirates.
The “Morning of Innovation” competition, in which participation is limited to the Authority’s employees only, includes asking a daily question with a total of 20 questions throughout the month to the employees by e-mail, honoring the winning employee daily and publishing his picture at the Authority’s level through internal visual channels.